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The Coin Return => General Chit Chat => Topic started by: Jacko1070 on July 18, 2011, 08:21:36 am

Title: Brimfield?
Post by: Jacko1070 on July 18, 2011, 08:21:36 am
Hello all:

I was just wondering if anyone made it to Brimfield so far this year.   I am located in MA and, as most of you know, am new to this.   Just wondering if the fair is worth it for someone looking for things to piece together a private "man cave" collection, not to flip.  Wasn't sure about what available selection wise, as well as if vendors premium price their items like a lot of the folks who I have met there in the past.  Just wanted to pre-plan and start saving for the next show if folks think there is a good selection of items as well as vendors willing to haggle.  I like anything soda and vending related, as well as gas and auto collectibles.   And, anything from the pinball/amusement category goes without mentioning is also acceptable................any thoughts?  Been there in the past and i don't know if I was in the wrong area, but I didn't see much............