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The Coin Return => General Chit Chat => Topic started by: bubba on July 14, 2011, 01:33:25 pm

Title: space shuttle interest
Post by: bubba on July 14, 2011, 01:33:25 pm
Has anyone been following this last space shuttle mission? I've been addicted to it since launch day. I've got the NASA website on all day at work -- watched the launch, the docking, interviews, space walks, etc... It hasn't been a very productive last few days.. :smile: The coverage has been incredible. On NASA's website, they have some really cool videos of the launch from all different cameras. This video is from the different cameras mounted on the booster rockets.. Its a long video, but well worth the watch... Really cool images at the 7:00 min and 23 min marks..

Title: Re: space shuttle interest
Post by: Larry on July 15, 2011, 10:36:41 am
I entered the lottery for a chance to be picked to possibly buy tickets for a friend of mine.  He asked me to enter it, plus he asked other friends to enter it too.  Well, I was the one that was picked, so I entered their virtual waiting room and was able to pick up the second best tickets for him.  He was able to trade up and get the Causeway tickets that he wanted.  So anyway, I did not get to see it, but my friend did and he said that it was quite an experience.  Here's a video he made of the launch.  The shuttle launces at the 4:00 minute mark.

I remember watching the first shuttle launch in high school physics class.  The teacher said forget about class, we're watching this.

I liked the first shot of the Nasa video of the take off.  An intersting perspective.  How long are they going to be in space?  

What's their mission?

Title: Re: space shuttle interest
Post by: bubba on July 15, 2011, 11:43:16 am
Awesome video Larry.. Thanks for sharing.. I saw one launch live back in 1988. We also watched the first launch in school.

This is the final space shuttle mission.. They are bringing supplies to the ISS to last a year. Hopefully the commercial space programs will take off by then. They are scheduled to return to FL on either Thurs or Friday early am. NASA channel has been showing a whole lot of footage from the ISS and during the spacewalk the other day.

Title: Re: space shuttle interest
Post by: Creighton on July 15, 2011, 05:35:13 pm
Great vid Larry!
Here is a cool one.

Watched Apollo launches when I was in school :-)

Title: Re: space shuttle interest
Post by: Larry on July 15, 2011, 06:31:24 pm
That was cool.  Was tha a lap top?  Gee, you'd think they would have a built in computer.  Maybe that's how they watch movies. :tounge:

Title: Re: space shuttle interest
Post by: bubba on July 15, 2011, 08:33:45 pm
Wow Creighton.. thats a cool video of the cockpit.. Dell computer... damn.. I wonder if NASA had to spend a few hours clearing out all the preloaded stuff that came with it.. :smile:

Apollo? They let you watch Rocky in school?   :tounge:

Title: Re: space shuttle interest
Post by: Creighton on July 15, 2011, 09:39:27 pm
I'd take a modern computer rather than a change of socks on the shuttle. Bet NASA can make a phone call to wipe a puter.
Here is basically what the main computers are. Zilog Z-80 based processor. Extra points for correct identification of the "portable" on the right.

>> Apollo? They let you watch Rocky in school?

Always one in every crowd... Know nothing of this "Rocky" you speak of :-)

Check "Moon Landing", Neil Armstrong, Apollo/Saturn V in your favorite search engine :-)
Darn kids.

Title: Re: space shuttle interest
Post by: bubba on July 15, 2011, 11:00:38 pm
I recognize the TRS-80.. That looks like an IBM keyboard on the right.. not sure what system  though....

I was watching this morning and they had to wake the shuttle crew to reboot a computer.. They got an extra 1/2 hour of sleep because they had to fix a problem computer..

Title: Re: space shuttle interest
Post by: johnieG on July 16, 2011, 02:13:18 pm
I recognize the TRS-80.. That looks like an IBM keyboard on the right.. not sure what system  though....

I was watching this morning and they had to wake the shuttle crew to reboot a computer.. They got an extra 1/2 hour of sleep because they had to fix a problem computer..

The one on the left looks like an old IBM/AT or XT model with the dual 5-1/4" floppy's, top one was to boot it & the bottom one was for programs/storage, if it was "deluxe" it had a "huge" 10-20meg hard drive & a full 768k of RAM!  :tounge:

Title: Re: space shuttle interest
Post by: Creighton on July 16, 2011, 04:57:44 pm
Left is Radio Shack Model IV (64k). Learned a bunch on that machine.
Right is a Compac 386/20. Spent it's life as a lab machine. Orange screen.
Laughed when I got it to run Win 3.1.

Back on topic. Here are some cool stills:


Title: Re: space shuttle interest
Post by: bubba on July 16, 2011, 08:31:21 pm
Damn Creighton... Those pics are incredible.. Thanks for sharing the link!!!