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The Coin Return => General Chit Chat => Topic started by: Pat Pixley on April 16, 2011, 10:44:23 pm

Title: A trip to Cincinnati
Post by: Pat Pixley on April 16, 2011, 10:44:23 pm
Well John And I went to Cincinnati today  picked up a few machines, one to restore and the others well we
did some dealing with Leonard,  last picture is Leonard & I  and John took the picture.
Had a great time today got to see Leonard collection and got to see his neighbors stuff very cool.
Then Leonard did some cooking and made us burgers.
Thanks Leonard

Title: Re: A trip to Cincinnati
Post by: Ltransam on April 17, 2011, 08:09:03 am

  Thanks Pat !!!  And Your Welcome !!!

 Glad You & Johnnie Made it Back OK . No Real Story Here . Just Working With Friends From Soda-Machines .Too much stuff & Not enough Room Or Time .

Many Of you Guys Know here that I give A lot of Parts away to People Here Looking To Finish Projects . I'm knot here for Any other Reason Except for Fun & Friends . Some Time Stuff Just Shows Up on Peoples Door Steps !!

Pat & I have been Talking By Phone For Over a Year On MANY different Things. And Because Of This Site We became Friends .

Along With Johnnie G & Kilroy (Jim ) In the Michigan Mafia 

So Since he's been Trying to get me Up north & Everytime I try Something Happens where I don't Make It .

But We have talking About Meeting Even a Few Member's That Have NEVER been this Far East At the Chicago  Show This Fall !! There May BE more Members there this Fall then Ever IF ?? The Stars Aline Correct .  I have to Have My Knee Caps Replaced In October First . But My Wife Is Still Planing Us Going . So you never Know .



Title: Re: A trip to Cincinnati
Post by: dr galaga on April 17, 2011, 08:45:04 am
last picture is Leonard & I  and John took the picture.

John is real good about staying out of pictures!  :laugh:

Title: Re: A trip to Cincinnati
Post by: collecture on April 17, 2011, 09:57:30 am

John is real good about staying out of pictures!

I noticed that....guess the self timer doesn't work!  :laugh: :biggrin:

Title: Re: A trip to Cincinnati
Post by: johnieG on April 17, 2011, 10:00:25 am

Title: Re: A trip to Cincinnati
Post by: Pat Pixley on April 17, 2011, 01:48:19 pm
 John is in the witness protecion plan   8) :tounge:.

 Sorry did  not enter any more last night I was tired  3AM till midnight is a long day  :Oo:.
It was really great meeting Leonard, and like Leonard said we have been talking for over a yr on the phone
but it was good to finally  put a face with a voice  and set there and visit, which was hard  too do
because of his outstanding Coca Cola Clock Collection and just some of the other cool things he has  WOW!! 
 there was alot of cool stuff.  And it was great just to meet a good friend  if we lived  it would be trouble  :laugh: :laugh:.

And Just so you guys know   Leonards Delf is getting restore for Leonard , the Vendo 81 (restored one)
has been sold  &  same with the other vendo 81.

And Leonard I should have had two burgers those were good :smile:.


Title: Re: A trip to Cincinnati
Post by: collecture on April 17, 2011, 02:10:13 pm
John is in the witness protecion plan

That expains a lot!  :laugh:

Leonards Delf is getting restored for Leonard....

Can't wait to see that one! Take lots of pics!

Title: Re: A trip to Cincinnati
Post by: rayg on April 17, 2011, 02:12:00 pm
Hi Pat looks like U and John  had a good time, road trips are always fun, knowing you more pictures are coming, but just wonder what type of machine is the yellow one?

Title: Re: A trip to Cincinnati
Post by: johnieG on April 17, 2011, 02:37:41 pm
Hi Pat looks like U and John  had a good time, road trips are always fun, knowing you more pictures are coming, but just wonder what type of machine is the yellow one?

That one ( Yellow in the pictures) is the Delf-122/dual flavor vendor, you can see the three-flavor version (Delf-159/triple in Jeff Walters soda-machine 3rd edition book page 281, although it doesn't state it in the book, it's a very uncommon machine in the 159/triple, let alone the 122/dual.

The trip was a lot of fun, & I've had an adversity to having my picture taken since I was a little guy, my mom was probably frightened by an Eastman Kodak dealer or something I guess... :tounge:

Title: Re: A trip to Cincinnati
Post by: Jim on April 17, 2011, 07:27:44 pm
That one ( Yellow in the pictures) is the Delf-126/dual flavor vendor

Is this a 126 or 122...?
I think Leonard told me the tag states 122; can you verify since I may have inaccurate info...?

Title: Re: A trip to Cincinnati
Post by: Ltransam on April 17, 2011, 08:45:30 pm

 Jim ,
        Everything I have Says 122 .BUT now its Up to Pat To Confirm >I have Talked to Him & He WILL get back to you .


Title: Re: A trip to Cincinnati
Post by: Pat Pixley on April 17, 2011, 09:35:13 pm

 Jim ,
        Everything I have Says 122 .BUT now its Up to Pat To Confirm >I have Talked to Him & He WILL get back to you .


Jim as Leonard has said I will let you know  in a week or so. :smile:

 And next time I'm down there  I'll plan on staying a day  so we can share war stories  :smile:.  ( Not war dept. stories :laugh: )

Title: Re: A trip to Cincinnati
Post by: SIGNGUY on April 18, 2011, 02:50:41 pm
It's sooo cool that Pat and Johnnie are close enought Geographically that they can do road trips and stuff like this together.. I have made many great friends on this site as well and it's just too bad where all so far apart...
Not sure about you guys, but all of my other friends ( and  do have a couple) could care less about Soda machines stuff, much less drive in a car for hours to go look at something or pick something up and actually be excited about it..
Very cool!
I hope you all an make the Chicago Fall show... We had a great party last fall!

Title: Re: A trip to Cincinnati
Post by: johnieG on April 18, 2011, 02:56:16 pm

Is this a 126 or 122...?
I think Leonard told me the tag states 122; can you verify since I may have inaccurate info...?

My bad..Typo  it's a 122...Dooh!

Title: Re: A trip to Cincinnati
Post by: Ltransam on April 18, 2011, 10:41:31 pm

 Thanks JohnieG For Clearing It UP  :smile:  I have the Fat Finger Typeing Issue   :laugh: