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The Coin Return => General Chit Chat => Topic started by: streamlined09 on March 30, 2011, 09:05:38 am

Title: Selling my soda machine collection, looking for advice??
Post by: streamlined09 on March 30, 2011, 09:05:38 am
Well, after 20 years of collecting and keeping the best I could find, my wife and I have decided to sell off all my collections and pay cash for a lake house we are buying.  So I thought I would ask here first for advice on my soda machine collection.  I am looking to sell all machines, whether one by one or by pairs or all together, doesn't matter to me.  Should I go the ebay route or try to sell through this site or other options?  I am going to sell relatively reasonable, as I just want fair amounts for the machines and I''m not looking to make a killing off them.  I want to sell in the fairest way to give the buyers pretty good deals and not pay a bunch to a third party for selling them.  I'll list the machines below if anyone is interested in any of them.  I attached a quick picture for reference.  Thoughts on the best way to sell?

All machines are restored except the 81 C and the 80.
RC 81
Dr Pepper 81
Pepsi 81
7up 81
Coke 81 D
Coke 81 C (yes c, and this machine is a nice original)
Pepsi Jacobs 56
Coke 27, pipe stand version
Coke 80, with stainless (not restored)
Victor 3 door
Coke Jacobs 26
Coke 56
Coke 44

Title: Re: Selling my soda machine collection, looking for advice??
Post by: SIGNGUY on March 30, 2011, 09:18:41 am
Great looking collection, and you defeintaly do have the best of the best in makes, styles and brands... I'm sure you'll here several opinions on what to do with them,
 sell privately, sell on ebay or mix of both?
I guess if you have prices in mind of what you want to get for each machine, I'd post to this group first, as there are several on here that would be interested in buying machines if priced fair..
however if your willing to let supply and demand be your price setter, then ebay of course can be good and can be bad? as you have'' more in fees to pay,and other issues that could arise.
I can tell you, I'd be interested in a couple for sure, so would love to hear your prices.. and maybe you don't want to post them pubicly so you have the option of sending Personal messages to anyone interested by hitting the PM button under the user name..
I'd love to see your prices for the 7up 81, Rc 81 and Dr Pepper 81 for sure.


Title: Re: Selling my soda machine collection, looking for advice??
Post by: jbrooks on March 30, 2011, 10:08:01 am
big question...what part of the country are you and all those beautiful machines in?

Title: Re: Selling my soda machine collection, looking for advice??
Post by: ciawarrior on March 30, 2011, 10:33:56 am
yes, where are you located?  you have an awesome collection  :jawdrop:

Title: Re: Selling my soda machine collection, looking for advice??
Post by: Larry on March 30, 2011, 11:17:38 am
I'd be happy with the Vendo 56. :biggrin:

Title: Re: Selling my soda machine collection, looking for advice??
Post by: streamlined09 on March 30, 2011, 11:19:58 am
I'm in Michigan.Thanks for the comments thus far.
I almost don't know where to start, I just know I'm finally ready to sell them.  
That's why I figured I'd ask here.

Title: Re: Selling my soda machine collection, looking for advice??
Post by: Pat Pixley on March 30, 2011, 12:08:36 pm
Well the Jacobs would be cool . 8) I would be interested in that price.

Title: Re: Selling my soda machine collection, looking for advice??
Post by: Kilroy on March 30, 2011, 12:38:48 pm
First of all, is that a '63 split window in the front?

i would avoid auction houses, the auction house's cut is brutal.
Ebay gives the seller the most exposure, but it's hit  & miss, especially with the Chicago coin op show in a few weeks, sellers may be holding on to their wallets until after the show.

Depending on how fast you want to sell them, I Midland has a big show in summer, and  their is Cheese' Petro fest in Fowlerville  in May

Title: Re: Selling my soda machine collection, looking for advice??
Post by: MoonDawg on March 30, 2011, 01:03:08 pm
      Quality collection there!

      Since you have such a complete collection of the 81's, (missing only the Coke
A and B which are relatively easy to find), you might want to list them on E-bay as a package deal. It's a long shot but you could always break up the set later if that doesn't pan out.

Title: Re: Selling my soda machine collection, looking for advice??
Post by: MCarter on March 30, 2011, 01:08:22 pm
I would be interested in a couple. PM me and let see what happens.

Title: Re: Selling my soda machine collection, looking for advice??
Post by: cokecolaman on March 30, 2011, 01:39:52 pm
I sent a pm as well

Title: Re: Selling my soda machine collection, looking for advice??
Post by: streamlined09 on March 30, 2011, 02:41:49 pm
Wow, well I didn't really expect the response I've received already. 
As I stated before, I'm just trying to figure out the best way to sell these.  From the amount of PM's I've received, I may be able to sell through this site and not mess with ebay or an auction house.  As for all the questions about pricing, I am being very truthful when I say I am open to reasonable amounts as long as they are fair.  I'm not giving these away, so please don't think I'll sell the the RC-81 for $1000, but I'm also not going to try to sell for ridiculous amounts, like $13,000 for the RC-81,  just fair prices where the buyer and seller are both happy.  I do know the current values, but I'm willing to give some reasonable deals to move them on to other collectors.
To make it as fair as possible to all the inquiries I've received, I'm open to your offers. 
You tell me what it's worth to you and we can go from there.  Send me a PM with your offer of what you would pay and if it works, then it works.  I'm not much for dickering back and forth, so I think this is the easiest way for both sides and to keep it fair for everyone on this site, plus I have a few other collections I need to start selling off and won't have much time for going round and round on pricing.. 

Thanks everyone...

Title: Re: Selling my soda machine collection, looking for advice??
Post by: rayg on March 30, 2011, 03:11:09 pm
Michigan is a big state where abouts are you locate in Michigan?

Title: Re: Selling my soda machine collection, looking for advice??
Post by: jnapp18 on March 30, 2011, 03:41:34 pm
any signs?

Title: Re: Selling my soda machine collection, looking for advice??
Post by: SIGNGUY on March 30, 2011, 03:59:51 pm
I like your rational and appreciate the opportunity to even have a chance to purchase from you.. I have a few questions which I'm sure many others do as well.
one: can you post a picture of each? just so we can see the machine a little better?
Two: maybe tell us who restored them, since most of us know most of the restorers out there, it will tell us the quality of the restoration by whom it was done by.

Thank you for the opportunity and look forward to dealing with you on a few machines.

Title: Re: Selling my soda machine collection, looking for advice??
Post by: mznb1u on March 30, 2011, 04:48:08 pm
I would be interested in the Coke 44.  PM sent!

Awesome collection!

 :drinking: Tim :drinking:

Title: Re: Selling my soda machine collection, looking for advice??
Post by: johnieG on March 30, 2011, 04:52:24 pm
Looks like a very nice collection of machines & I like the '63 split-window I see in the foreground too! 

Title: Re: Selling my soda machine collection, looking for advice??
Post by: Seven181 on March 30, 2011, 04:52:56 pm
I also sent a PM. I think many on here will be interested in your machines. Great collection!

Title: Re: Selling my soda machine collection, looking for advice??
Post by: tkaz on March 30, 2011, 06:11:01 pm
Selling the Chevy sign too?!?!?!   Great looking 'garage', got any more photos of it?

Title: Re: Selling my soda machine collection, looking for advice??
Post by: Jim on March 30, 2011, 09:03:50 pm

As previously stated, I appreciate you giving the first opportunity to members here at SMC for acquiring your machine collection and any other items you may be offering ! ! !
Thank You,

Title: Re: Selling my soda machine collection, looking for advice??
Post by: streamlined09 on March 31, 2011, 10:03:47 am
Just wanted to update everyone.
Thank you to all who have contacted me with their kind words and offers, I feel overwhelmed to be honest. 
I have tried to respond with my thoughts on the offers I received, but I've received so many I haven't gotten to them all. 
I just set up a time with a gentleman who is coming that says he may be interested in buying everything. 
This is ideal for me, so I wanted to keep everyone updated.  I will let everyone know how it goes.

To try to keep up with some of the other questions from the posts:
Yes, that is a 63 split window, I have a few cars and I'm an avid chevy guy.
Yes, I have numerous signs, mostly collect neon dealership signs and large neon advertising signs. 
The signs will also be for sale at some point, but one thing at a time.
Yes, the large Chevrolet sign is for sale, but to be honest probably wouldn't be cheap.

Title: Re: Selling my soda machine collection, looking for advice??
Post by: vintage-air on March 31, 2011, 09:03:38 pm
well, good luck with the sale. I wondered why i didn't hear back from you on my offer. Please keep us posted on what happens.


Title: Re: Selling my soda machine collection, looking for advice??
Post by: Creighton on March 31, 2011, 11:43:18 pm
Outstanding collection!!
PM reply mode is not reliable. May want to set up a temp email account.

Title: Re: Selling my soda machine collection, looking for advice??
Post by: sodaman on April 01, 2011, 10:19:17 am
Don't sell your collection short, I see you said $13k for the RC 81 is unreasonable but I have a standing offer of $12k for my RC81 original machine.  (9 1/2 on a 10 scale)

Title: Re: Selling my soda machine collection, looking for advice??
Post by: rayg on April 03, 2011, 10:53:18 am
Please let us know when you will be selling the neon signs.......... neon is the best !

Title: Re: Selling my soda machine collection, looking for advice??
Post by: davethebirdman on April 03, 2011, 11:48:03 am
Any small wall hanging candy/gum machines??? Zeno etc.



Title: Re: Selling my soda machine collection, looking for advice??
Post by: SIGNGUY on April 12, 2011, 06:31:26 pm
Anyone here know what happened to this guy? did he sell it all to one person? anyone here?

just curious?

Title: Re: Selling my soda machine collection, looking for advice??
Post by: rayg on April 12, 2011, 07:36:45 pm
I was wondering too if he accepted any of the offers and if so what does he have left to sell.

Title: Re: Selling my soda machine collection, looking for advice??
Post by: BONOVOX on April 16, 2011, 10:59:46 pm
Well, I JUST got back from purchasing 3 machines from him.
I was in negotiations with him for the past couple of weeks, sorting a few things out,  I drove the 5.5 hrs to his place, and I am now the PROUD owner of a Dr Pepper VMC 81, and.............................. A VMC RC 81! :o) (I aslo took his Vendo 81 coke, as it was too mint of an original to pass on)

The guy (I'll withold his name) was an ABSOLUTE pleasure to deal with, as I had MANY questions over the past week, and he took the time to answer them all, send me ANY pics that I requested, and, to top it all off, I had no plans on buying the Vendo 81, so I only brought the $ that was agreed on for the 2 machines, and he said I could take the 81, AND MAIL HIM A CHEQUE!  I've met some great people in my time, and I'm a great person too lol, but the world needs more people like this guy, to trust me, a stranger.!  Im sending him a cheque this week :o)

As well, before purchasing the RC, I wanted to peel the back off to ensure that it was a real RC, and he insisted we do that, and we did,,,........... and we both saw a PERFECT inside of a RC 81, a sight that not many people Im sure have seen :o)

He had other great machines, like the Pepsi 81, but I already have the full blue version, as well as a great 7up 81, but I didnt pull the trigger on that one, as Im waiting for a original white one, as it would complete my set with all original / original looking machines.

I'll post a pic real quick, others to follow maybe in the pre60's section tomorow :o)

Im gonna sleep well 2nite with RC Colas dancing over my head :O)
Oh, and his 81c.... IS THE REAL DEAL.. Pics to follow of that as well :o)


Title: Re: Selling my soda machine collection, looking for advice??
Post by: collecture on April 16, 2011, 11:25:29 pm
The seller seemed like a genuine kind of guy!
Can't wait to see the pics!
Consider loaded larger images in the Photo Gallery under Collections....

Title: Re: Selling my soda machine collection, looking for advice??
Post by: rayg on April 17, 2011, 06:15:31 pm
did anyone else buy anything?

Title: Re: Selling my soda machine collection, looking for advice??
Post by: BONOVOX on April 17, 2011, 06:20:50 pm
No, no one else bought anything that I know of before me (Im pretty sure I was first) Make him a fair offer is all I can say.

Title: Re: Selling my soda machine collection, looking for advice??
Post by: ciawarrior on April 17, 2011, 06:31:28 pm

Title: Re: Selling my soda machine collection, looking for advice??
Post by: Jim on April 17, 2011, 07:17:03 pm
Congrats on the new additions ! ! !

Title: Re: Selling my soda machine collection, looking for advice??
Post by: msanborn on April 17, 2011, 07:29:28 pm
I sent him a pm inquiring about the pepsi vmc 81, never heard from him. Glad it worked out for you.

Title: Re: Selling my soda machine collection, looking for advice??
Post by: RED SPARKS on April 17, 2011, 09:51:32 pm
Congrats on getting them, as for the seller hopefully that will help cover the cost of a couple square feet of that lake house.   

Title: Re: Selling my soda machine collection, looking for advice??
Post by: SIGNGUY on April 18, 2011, 09:32:42 am
so does he still have some of the other machines,? i have a few customers looking to purchase either a 7up or Pepsi... I've tried PM but no response.

if you are in contact with him, maybe you can have him post what's left?


Title: Re: Selling my soda machine collection, looking for advice??
Post by: streamlined09 on April 18, 2011, 03:59:42 pm
Hello everyone,
Sorry, just getting back.  Things have been very busy for me. 
I just wanted to post what's left.
First, thanks bonovox for the kind words in the post.  I try to be a stand up guy and wish there were more out there.  Bonovox did purchase the Dr Pepper 81, RC 81, Coke81D. And the 7up is also gone.
I have an offer on all the rest, but if I can sell them individually at a more reasonable amount than the offer for the whole lot, I will.
Please send emails to me directly of your interests and offers.  The private messages are not making it to me, sorry for those who have tried.  Just send directly to my email,

Here is what is left and available.

Coke 81C (all original)
Victor three door - restored
Coke 27, with pipe stand - restored
Coke 80, with stainless - original
Pepsi 81 - restored

The machines below are not fully assembled.  I will either sell as is or assemble and sell, your choice.  If you buy as is and put together yourself, obviously I'll sell a little cheaper.  The machines have mostly everything done, just needs a little more assembly.  Parts are chromed, tubs/insulation are in, compressors are in, Beautiful paint jobs are finished, I can send pics if seriously interested.  I had a guy restoring them, and moved out of town on me.  So I'll sell them either way.

Coke 56, with glass door.  (is 75% restored, needs to be assembled, have all components)
Pepsi Jacobs 56, is (75% restored, needs to be assembled have all components)
Vendo 44 (is 75% restored, needs to be assembled, have all components)
Coke Jacobs 26 (is 75% restored, needs to be assembled, have all components)

Let me know if interested and your price.  Thanks everyone.

Title: Re: Selling my soda machine collection, looking for advice??
Post by: streamlined09 on April 25, 2011, 04:17:50 pm
Hi everyone.
Just an update on the selling of my machine collection.
All machines have been sold.  The only machine I have left is the untrestored Vendo 80 if anyone has any interest.
All the machines went to nice homes, so I'm happy about that.

Title: Re: Selling my soda machine collection, looking for advice??
Post by: flippa on April 25, 2011, 06:25:32 pm
Congrats on selling your stuff.  :happydrinkers:  Did it all go to guys here, or did you sell on Craigslist as well?

Title: Re: Selling my soda machine collection, looking for advice??
Post by: BONOVOX on April 25, 2011, 07:23:39 pm
I purchased the RC and Pepper 81, as well as the coke 81

Glad to hear that they went to good homes.  Yet I do have to admit, they were in an AWESOME garage! :o)

Title: Re: Selling my soda machine collection, looking for advice??
Post by: msanborn on April 26, 2011, 07:51:18 am
I got the Pepsi VMC 81.  Like others said, the seller was a pleasure to deal with.