SMC Discussion Areas

Restorations => General => Topic started by: cokecolaman on March 23, 2011, 01:36:20 pm

Title: My find of the week
Post by: cokecolaman on March 23, 2011, 01:36:20 pm
Look what followed me home this morning... I saw it on Craigslist last night and couldn't dial the phone fast enough. The listing had been up for about 45 mins. and I thought there was no way I was the first caller...I was wrong!!! It's not perfectly restored, but the paint is pretty good and the lettering is incredible. The decals have to go and the inside needs redone and the shelves need replaced with the correct ones,  but overall a very nice machine for the $$$.

Title: Re: My find of the week
Post by: loman4ec on March 23, 2011, 01:57:09 pm
Thats awesome!! May I be nosey and ask what the $$$ was?

Title: Re: My find of the week
Post by: Creighton on March 23, 2011, 01:57:59 pm
Wow!! Great score.

Title: Re: My find of the week
Post by: cokecolaman on March 23, 2011, 02:07:27 pm
$2000 and I didn't try to bargain with him...I knew he had ten people behind me that wanted it including my friend and I didn't want to risk pissing him off. And I have a few other nice finds this week, but they aren't in the shop yet, so I can't talk about week ever for me and collecting machines!

Title: Re: My find of the week
Post by: Kilroy on March 23, 2011, 02:10:31 pm
Awesome find. And I woulda done the same, get in and get out w/ it. Congrats

Title: Re: My find of the week
Post by: SIGNGUY on March 23, 2011, 02:20:09 pm
Yeah Great score.. all the hard work is done.. redo the insides make some changes and you have a great machine !

Like I said on another post.. about deals being found.. it's just a matter of being the first one to get to it and you can find all kinds of deals...

Congrats.. .I'm assuming you where needing one for your collection? or will you be buying to resell?

Title: Re: My find of the week
Post by: cokecolaman on March 23, 2011, 02:45:05 pm
I needed one...the last one I picked up needed a TOTAL restoration, including body work, fixing rust areas, etc   and I didn't want to spend that kind of $$$ right then. This one will be easy to fix up...but I expect all of my friends to give me crap about a "Pepsi" machine being in my "Coke Room"...I'm willing to deal with it. Maybe I will find an RC or 7up 81 later this week? I'm trying to think positive!  :biggrin:

Title: Re: My find of the week
Post by: MoonDawg on March 23, 2011, 02:48:16 pm
         WOW  :wow:

Title: Re: My find of the week
Post by: collecture on March 23, 2011, 04:35:06 pm
Nice find Ron!
Quite a bit better than the other one. What are you going to do with it?

Title: Re: My find of the week
Post by: cokecolaman on March 23, 2011, 05:00:41 pm
I'm going to keep it for a breaks up the color of the room. I know I shouldn't say it, but there is too much red and white in my Coke room.

Title: Re: My find of the week
Post by: collecture on March 23, 2011, 05:02:26 pm
I meant the rough Pepsi 81...

And I know what you mean,,,I love the Barq's blue next to my all red 81A.

Title: Re: My find of the week
Post by: cokecolaman on March 23, 2011, 05:16:53 pm
My bad....I sold the other one to a friend that had been looking for one...he has skills I don't have (body / paint) and he can do something with it that I would have never got around to doing...and too much rust for my painter to handle. But I feel like I owe you a favor for helping me with it...let me know if I can ever do anything for you.

Title: Re: My find of the week
Post by: cokecolaman on March 23, 2011, 05:20:18 pm
It's funny...when I first picked it up, I was so happy I didn't see hardly any of it's I'm making a list of everything I want to fix on it and it's adding up quite fast...kind of like a first girlfriend when you are a don't see the flaws and then they just start to add up...

Title: Re: My find of the week
Post by: collecture on March 23, 2011, 05:33:41 pm
You don't owe me anything....I was just wondering. I, like you, have limited metal & welding skills, so I like finding machines that don't need a lot of work.

Title: Re: My find of the week
Post by: aristocrat on March 24, 2011, 02:25:20 am
great result

post pix of your other find,s when you are sorted

unlikely i'll find one of those in England somehow


GP in England

Title: Re: My find of the week
Post by: Hollywood80 on March 24, 2011, 10:22:29 pm
Hi Ron

Nice to see that you are still hard at it. 


Title: Re: My find of the week
Post by: cokecolaman on March 27, 2011, 12:59:34 pm
Earlier I said I had two other finds this shipper just picked them up. 1.) was an embossed Pepsi 110 in pretty good shape (only seen the pictures) and 2.) the other was a generic VMC 81. It was originally a red and white RC  generic machine. I have been looking for a long time for one...I love the Orange Crush 81's and I don't really care if it's embossed or not, but I didn't want to cut up a Coke 81 to do it. But, if anyone has an orange crush panel that they aren't using, I would be interested in a trade or just pay cash.

Title: Re: My find of the week
Post by: aristocrat on March 27, 2011, 01:13:07 pm
great score

would be great if you could start a new thread or continue

this with pix of the change from generic red RC to orange

crush machine



Title: Re: My find of the week
Post by: SIGNGUY on March 27, 2011, 10:26:51 pm
if anyone has an orange crush panel that they aren't using, I would be interested in a trade or just pay cash.
Or better yet,, sell me your Generic VMC 81 and I'll put my OC panel in it..  :biggrin:.. that is the one that was posted in CA on Old Gas wasnt' it..I tried to get that one as well.. so congrats and glad it went to someone who would appreciate it...
but am serious if you want to sell hint hint!! :biggrin:

Title: Re: My find of the week
Post by: cokecolaman on March 27, 2011, 11:47:35 pm
I found it on Craigslist in California...not sure if it was on another site or not. Can you send me a picture of your panel? My friend has a panel, but it's out of an old chest cooler ( looks like a Glascock, but not sure what it is) and I want to compare the two.

Title: Re: My find of the week
Post by: BONOVOX on March 28, 2011, 06:54:29 pm
Great score!!!!
Can we (I lol) ask what you paid for the generic 81?
As well, what did the seller list the item as on Craigslist?

Thanks for the info!!!
Again, GREAT score!
(I would turn that into a Dr Pepper myself! :)

Title: Re: My find of the week
Post by: collecture on March 28, 2011, 07:02:01 pm
I was in touch with the seller as well - mainly to inform him that the RC81 prices he was seeing wasn't going to happen for his unembossed generic machine that was missing parts. He was fishing on CL, and