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The Coin Return => General Chit Chat => Topic started by: scalebowler on January 30, 2011, 02:36:02 am

Title: projector
Post by: scalebowler on January 30, 2011, 02:36:02 am
I got a projector today to go along with my drive-in speakers. Since I could not afford a newer LCD or DLP projector I ended up getting an old Zenith CRT projector. Thing weighs a ton but is in pretty good shape (there is almost no dust inside for being on a celing for 10 or so years). I allready have opened it up and followed the instructions on how to set it to the floor position (they actually had it mounted to the celing. Not sure how they did it but they did) and I should be getting it set up tomorrow. Just got to figure out what cables I need. I think I just need a S-video cable but I am not sure. I hope to get it all set up and play some movies outside during the summer with my drive-in speakers and make my own "drive-in". Even plan on building a screen that has the drive-in screen style supports on the back. I will get some pictures of the projector tomorrow because I am too tired to get some tonight.

Title: Re: projector
Post by: bubba on January 30, 2011, 09:20:29 am
Very cool, however, be careful... you are opening up a whole new can of worms with the backyard theater... I've been doing it for 3-4 years now and it started out as a little indoor screen and projector that my buddy gave me. I know have an inflatable screen with powered DJ speakers, popcorn machine and a full backyard a few times a year... If you want to see what you are getting into, check out this site..

Title: Re: projector
Post by: scalebowler on January 30, 2011, 01:15:53 pm
That does kind of sound like fun. I was actually thinking of getting a popcorn machine to go along with it. Just got to get some pipe so I can build a speaker pole and I will be set. Thanks for letting me know about that website. There is a lot of good info and ideas on there.

Title: Re: projector
Post by: bubba on January 30, 2011, 05:22:55 pm
No problem.. pictures of my first setup are on the site..

Title: Re: projector
Post by: tkaz on January 30, 2011, 06:02:38 pm
I got into the outdoor theater this past summer, its a great time to have a bunch of people over, grill some food and watch football or a good movie into the night.  I took an old Coleman cooler, modified it with a rack mount amp and DVD player, so everything is self contained and portable.  I have a couple small speakers that pull out of the cooler, and all you need is a power source and you're projecting. 

I also have one of those digital TV converters with the antenna that you can see in the fourth pic, so I can show live football or whatever else (nascar in most cases), and it stays portable.  The stationary screen is 110", made with a simple wood frame and white blackout fabric, it costs about $40 to build and looks great. 

Title: Re: projector
Post by: mznb1u on January 30, 2011, 07:31:01 pm
My friend has been doing this for about 5 or 6 years.  He had his wife sew a screen the covers the double width garage door out of black material with a white box in the middle that is the correct proportions for wide screen projection.  I think he put in velcro strips on each side of the door so it goes up without a lot of trouble.  Then he reverse projects onto the back of the screen from inside the garage so the projector is not outside in the event of a quick rain storm.  He has an old set of home theater speakers with the front and middle ones in the garage projecting out from behind the screen and he places the rear speakers about 30 feet down the driveway.  It is a blast.  He usually does a double feature--first one for the kids, second one for adults.  The whole neighborhood shows up.  Wish I had a pic to share.

 :drinking: Tim :drinking:

Title: Re: projector
Post by: scalebowler on January 30, 2011, 10:42:53 pm
I like that cooler idea. Good way to store it although my machine is proboly as big as that entire cooler. I also like the real projection idea and might try it but I would need to flip some connectors inside to make that work (amazing how these things have changed in the 12 years since mine was built.) Check out the bracket that they needed to hang it from the ceiling. The thing is reinforced on the inside with more steel. I think that whole assembly weighs at least 10 pounds.


Title: Re: projector
Post by: rayg on January 31, 2011, 08:57:52 pm
scalebowler  You have a cool commercial grade projector  unit with  BNC connectors for component and a s-video input .  They are  nice and bright,  we had them  at work years ago and they were on 7x24 and  lasted a long time,  like any CRT the will burn in if you use images with static component in them i.e. some old video games.  Hope you drive-in works out.

Title: Re: projector
Post by: scalebowler on January 31, 2011, 09:44:48 pm
Fired it up today and it works great. I still don't have a video cable but I did get it to display the menus and those looked pretty good. I will need to do some alignments with the tubes (need a video input to do that) and figure out the screen size but it did power on and everything turned on and looked great. rayg I know exactly what you mean about the screen burn in. I don't think I have seen an single pacman machine that does not have the maze permanently burned in the screen and a TV we got for video games at a garage sale for video games has mute burned into the bottom corner. My dad is pretty excited about me needing a stand for it. He does wood working stuff as a hobby and he wants to help build a stand. Should be fun.

Title: Re: projector
Post by: Creighton on January 31, 2011, 09:46:49 pm
Cool! Cherish the father son projects and post some pics.

Title: Re: projector
Post by: Kilroy on January 31, 2011, 09:54:36 pm
And get him to build a concession stand. May as well make a profit  on the neighbours  :)

Title: Re: projector
Post by: bubba on January 31, 2011, 10:45:45 pm
Check this site out for throw distances.. I think they even have some info on older models..

Title: Re: projector
Post by: scalebowler on February 03, 2011, 05:52:51 pm
Anyone know where I could get a cheap screen or what to use to build one? I found this and I could get that frame built in an hour or two but I'm not sure how to store one of those or where to get the material.

Title: Re: projector
Post by: bubba on February 03, 2011, 07:03:09 pm
I use an inflatable now and I love it. At the end of the night, I unplug it and it collapses. I leave it until the morning and put it away. It fits into a duffle bag. Looks like they've changed from the one I got, but I got it at Walmart..

I also have a roll of 60" wide movie screen material I'd be willing to sell a length if you want to build a frame and make one yourself. I made a ginormous screen of out if by sewing a seam into it, but I have yet to figure out how to make a somewhat knockdown frame for it yet. The material is good for either front or rear projection.

Title: Re: projector
Post by: collecture on February 03, 2011, 07:17:49 pm
I made a ginormous screen of out if by sewing a seam into it, but I have yet to figure out how to make a somewhat knockdown frame for it yet. The material is good for either front or rear projection.

Couldn't you make a frame out of PVC irrigation pipe, but not fully cement the frame together? It comes in 10' lengths and is inexpensive too.

Title: Re: projector
Post by: tkaz on February 03, 2011, 07:39:19 pm
You can also pickup the fabric at any fabric store, like Joanns or whatever you have locally.  You can buy it by the yard, it is also called white curtain black-out fabric.  I made the big wood frame, and it is tough to store.

Title: Re: projector
Post by: scalebowler on February 03, 2011, 08:28:10 pm
I will have to check out the fabric store. Do you know about how big is the fabric from the fabric store?

Title: Re: projector
Post by: Creighton on February 03, 2011, 08:46:55 pm
Pretty sure 5'.

Title: Re: projector
Post by: scalebowler on February 04, 2011, 02:46:01 pm
5' might be perfect. From the manual it says the projector is factory set for a 100" screen and gives a chart telling how far away to position the projector to get the required screen size. For a 100" screen the projector will project an image 60" high and 80" wide. Then I could sew something on the bottom and insert a metal rod or pipe to give it some weight so it will stay tight and hang it from the overhang above my garage. Then when I am done I could just roll it up on the pipe and store it. I might have to sew a little extra onto the top and bottom but that should not be a problem. I can also set it for a slightly smaller screen size too. Just have to read through the manual and figure it out.

Title: Re: projector
Post by: MoonDawg on February 04, 2011, 05:39:37 pm
I might have to sew a little extra onto the top and bottom but that should not be a problem. I can also set it for a slightly smaller screen size too. Just have to read through the manual and figure it out.

      I know nothing about these but wouldn't you just move the projector closer to the screen until the picture fits?

Title: Re: projector
Post by: mznb1u on February 04, 2011, 05:44:18 pm
      I know nothing about these but wouldn't you just move the projector closer to the screen until the picture fits?

Or move the screen closer to the projector! :biggrin: 8) :laugh:  I was the AV guy in 6th grade!  But it was all 16mm projectors, overhead projectors and filmstrip projectors back then!

 :drinking: Tim :drinking:

Title: Re: projector
Post by: bubba on February 04, 2011, 06:56:31 pm
      I know nothing about these but wouldn't you just move the projector closer to the screen until the picture fits?

Yup.. There is a max and min distance that will work, but moving the pj will change the size.

Title: Re: projector
Post by: scalebowler on February 05, 2011, 02:09:59 am
With this projector though you have to do a lot of adjustments to change the size of the screen. I am not sure what exactly I need to do yet since I have not had a chance to configure it but with the 3 different tubes that project 3 images that have to overlap to create the right colors I have to have it set up for the correct distance to get the images to line up. Lots of adjustments with this one.

Title: Re: projector
Post by: bubba on February 05, 2011, 09:53:53 am
I imagine that one is a bit more involved to set up.. All the ones I've played with have color wheels..

Title: Re: projector
Post by: rayg on February 06, 2011, 09:15:22 pm
Scaleblower, there is normally an alignment screen with rows of "+" sign when all three guns are in alignment the "+" will be white, if you see red, green or blue  a gun two are out of alignment.  here's some  links that may help you out


Title: Re: projector
Post by: scalebowler on February 06, 2011, 11:53:43 pm
Thanks for those links! That site is awesome for these things. I messed with it tonight and have the thing projecting a focused image. Just got to work on getting them the right size and shape now. I figured though that it would proboly be best to do that after I got a real screen that did not have things blocking the image (like the basement wall).

Title: Re: projector
Post by: scalebowler on March 01, 2011, 09:08:39 pm
I have the projector about 50% set up now. There were some adjustments I had to do to the stuff on the back of the tubes but was not sure on so I asked some people I know who are pinsetter mechanics how to do it since they work on the scoring monitors which use crts and they explained to me how to do it without getting hurt. Just got to get my friend over to help me set the rest of it up and then I will be ready to go as far as a projector. Also need to find some stuff for a snack bar. Would love to get some equipment set up like a popcorn machine or a drink machine.

Title: Re: projector
Post by: scalebowler on March 07, 2011, 05:47:39 pm
Just figured out this weekend that the adjustments that we had been doing the last few times were a complete waste of time since we were adjusting all 3 images at the same time. We now figured out how to do each individually and I have the red and green tubes almost 100% aligned. After I fix the left edge of the screen I can start on the blue tube and get it all set up. Then I will have to work on the image for the other input so that I can hook my computer up to it. Darn thing needs the image configured for each one of the inputs. And I need a new DVD player since mine does not want to read discs anymore.

Title: IT WORKS!
Post by: scalebowler on March 17, 2011, 11:50:20 pm
It works!  :biggrin: My friend came over today and we spent 5 or so hours working on it and fine tuning the image. We have it almost perfect (there are a few slight problems with the grid but you can't see any problems when projecting a movie) and I am so excited! Can't believe that after so many days I finally have the darn thing working! Next steps are to find a stereo that I can hook the DVD player up to and then hook the drive-in speakers up to, build a screen, and get some concession equipment (just something I want to do. Love an excuse to buy new toys  :biggrin: ) Will let you guys know when I get further along on it. Just ordered tron off of amazon and hope to watch that first. Should be a lot of fun

Title: Re: projector
Post by: Kilroy on March 18, 2011, 08:08:18 am
Bed Bath and Beyond has a popcorm popper that will fit on a counter for $79. Looks good, not as  cool as a full size one, or a minutpop, but several thousand $$  cheaper

Title: Re: projector
Post by: rayg on March 18, 2011, 04:24:30 pm
Scalebowle, r make sure you show those cool Drive-in intermission videos from the fifties and sixties between movies

Title: Re: projector
Post by: bubba on March 18, 2011, 09:15:43 pm
And the B movies...

Title: Re: projector
Post by: scalebowler on March 18, 2011, 09:22:48 pm
I plan on showing the old intermission cartoons. My friend is really into video editing and making videos and I had him convert one of those videos to a format that I could play on my computer. I found a company that sells popcorn machines that are actually american made and I think I want to get one. Will have to save up for it though but I have read the reviews online for it and have not found a single negative one anywhere so I think it would be a good one. Need to get a drink machine too. That would be pretty cool I think.

Title: Re: projector
Post by: scalebowler on March 18, 2011, 09:23:25 pm
And the B movies...

Oh man that looks like an awesome DVD! I might have to get that.

Title: Re: projector
Post by: Creighton on March 18, 2011, 10:03:26 pm
Glad everything is coming together!! Will need to get the DVD. Thanks for the heads up Bubba.
I've watched a few of the movies on the DVD and "politically correct", they are not but great fun.

Title: Re: projector
Post by: scalebowler on April 21, 2011, 08:26:02 pm
Finally got a screen today. I am not 100% sure of the size but I did measure the length of the screen and it is around 96" long. Went online and found out that if I were to buy it new from the company it would cost about $400. I got it through from a university that was selling some surplus stuff on craigslist for $50. Only problem now is I need to build some kind of stand to hook the screen to that needs to be strong enough to hold 60-70 pounds. Also going to see about asking my machining instructor about getting a stand built by the welding department at school. Not sure if they will do it but it is worth a shot.

Title: Re: projector
Post by: bubba on April 21, 2011, 09:02:41 pm
You may be able to build a frame with 1" electrical tubing. Bungie or tie the screen to the frame. Then need a way to hang/support it.

Title: Re: projector
Post by: scalebowler on April 21, 2011, 10:10:34 pm
Would 1" electrical tubing be able to support 70 pounds? The screen I have is a pretty big pull down screen.

Title: Re: projector
Post by: bubba on April 22, 2011, 06:53:10 am
I thought it was just a screen material.. If its a pull down, that may be tough.

My first setup was a motorized screen.. its a 90" screen and fairly heavy. I mounted it on the swingset.. Not sure if you have any free standing objects in the yard to mount to...

Title: Re: projector
Post by: Kilroy on April 22, 2011, 09:02:50 am
There ya go, you may find a swing set cheap or free ( you dismantle) on Craigslist

Title: Re: projector
Post by: scalebowler on April 22, 2011, 08:19:32 pm
We actually used to have one up untill about 3 years ago when we tore it down. I did come up with some ideas on a drive-in style screen tower to mount it on. I was origionally hoping to just hook it to the overhang above the garage since I was planning on getting a smaller screen that would not weigh as much but this was a really good deal. I will have to make some drawings and see what I can come up with.

Title: Re: projector
Post by: rayg on April 22, 2011, 11:19:33 pm
I got a manual 120" screen from Comp USA, yes they are still online  for $99. for my basement.   I was also thinking for moving it outside this summer as well.  i found these,or.r_gc.r_pw.&biw=1480&bih=910&um=1&ie=UTF-8&cid=13986475752793183010&sa=X&ei=BFKyTe9Y8IfRAbbW-IIJ&sqi=2&ved=0CEAQ8wIwAA#,or.r_gc.r_pw.&biw=1480&bih=910&um=1&ie=UTF-8&cid=17999411456661286988&sa=X&ei=BFKyTe9Y8IfRAbbW-IIJ&sqi=2&ved=0CEYQ8gIwAQ#

I'm  leaning toward the first one because it doesn't require a noisy blower.

Als,o scalebowler did you ever find any more junction boxes by chance?


Title: Re: projector
Post by: scalebowler on April 22, 2011, 11:59:08 pm
Thats a pretty nice looking screen. I would get another one for outdoors but I can't hook mine up inside (was told no) and I think I am going to build a screen support out of some wood and then use bolts to hold it together so I can break it down and put it away for storage. I am searching for some more boxes but have not been able to find any. I know where to buy brand new ones but I have not found any nice used ones. Working on trying to go to one more abandoned drive-in this summer. Trying to contact the assessor for that county to figure out who owns it so I can get the permission to visit it. I will let you know how it goes.

Title: Re: projector
Post by: bubba on April 23, 2011, 07:22:32 am
Ray.. I have a Gemmy inflatable screen as well. This will be the 4th season I've had it and have no issues with it at all. The blowers, if on grass, aren't that loud. Once the movie starts, you don't hear a thing. If you have the blowers in the driveway it may be a bit louder, but still not horrible. Same thing with screen wrinkles.. you don't see them once the movie starts..

Title: Re: projector
Post by: rayg on April 23, 2011, 04:10:32 pm

 Wood is away the easiest to work with and making it portable would be the way to go.  Also Thanks for the info and looking out for a box for me there is nothing left standing around here as far as drive-in's for the last 10 years .  Where do the sell them new?


Thanks, for the info on the project screen , you really can't be inflatable for ease of use. I would have the blower on the grass and my sound system is good as well .  What kind of projector do you have?


Title: Re: projector
Post by: Kilroy on April 23, 2011, 05:27:54 pm
There is still a drive in outside of Attica I think ( North  M53) past Imlay City.  Don't know if they have junction boxes, but worth a check

Title: Re: projector
Post by: bubba on April 23, 2011, 08:44:48 pm
Ray.. I have 2 I can use for outside.. I've got an Epson Business projector and my main one inside is an Optima.. I've taken that one outside a few times when I want to run my Xbox 360 as it has component inputs and my Epson doesn't. For my sound system, I use 2- 12" powered DJ speakers and sometimes I'll add an older powered sub..

Title: Re: projector
Post by: scalebowler on April 24, 2011, 11:43:13 am

 Wood is away the easiest to work with and making it portable would be the way to go.  Also Thanks for the info and looking out for a box for me there is nothing left standing around here as far as drive-in's for the last 10 years .  Where do the sell them new?

It is a company based out of Kansas City Kansas called Speco and they are the only company that makes parts for these speakers. Infact if you look inside some drive-in speakers that were used within the last 10 years or so at a drive-in they usually have parts from Speco in them. Here is the link to their page for drive-in parts There is a link on the left side of the page that pulls up a PDF document listing out all the parts that they have and the prices.

Title: Re: projector
Post by: scalebowler on April 25, 2011, 12:53:43 am
Anyone got any ideas for an amplifier? I need something cheap that can take the DVD audio output and amplify it to something that the drive-in speakers can use. Any suggestions?

Title: Re: projector
Post by: tkaz on April 25, 2011, 09:15:58 am
What are the speakers rated to?  I'd start there, I ended up using a rack mount amp and modified the inputs to take RCA in from the DVD player.

Check out these Pyle amps, they stand alone and are pretty highly reviewed:

Title: Re: projector
Post by: rayg on April 26, 2011, 09:14:55 pm
Jim thanks I'll look it up, last year we when to the US23 and the Pontiac Silver Dome drive-in. both have their charm. What I like most about the Pontiac Silver Dome one besides it being close  there are no bugs, because of all the blacktop.

Ken those Optima are nice projects , what model to you got?  I was looking at the Home Theater Series HD66. I current have a BenQ 500, good picture  but not the brightest  but it works in the basement. What else I like about it I got over 4,000 hours on the first bulb and replace are are $220.

Alex, thanks for the website , for $34.00 for the whole setup with light is a great deal, I'm going to order at least on and maybe some other stuff
as well.

Tkaz, that not a bad deal for $58.00 (I might get one) on the amp, for 2x 40w RMS output,  if that was a cheap amp it would be listed as 120PP (4ox1.414x2= (RMS x 1.414) x 2=PP.) hook that up to some of those Sony speaker for $49.00 are you are ready .  

Title: Re: projector
Post by: bubba on April 26, 2011, 09:36:34 pm
I've got an older one.. H31. I had a power issue under warranty, but otherwise been pretty happy. I have it shooting at a 70" screen in the basement. The whole system has been in for about 5 years.. I don't remember how many hours were on the bulb, but it was under $300.. not horrible.

Title: Re: projector
Post by: tkaz on May 02, 2011, 10:20:55 am
I'm using an Optoma HD65, and its been great.  I run it as my daily projector with a 82" screen on a painted white wall (not special paint, just regular white), and its bright enough to run all day, even in a sunny room.  Of course it looks much better at night!  We also use it for the outdoor screen, which is 120", and that is also great.  The fan is quiet enough to run as a regular TV without noticing.

Title: Re: projector
Post by: rayg on May 03, 2011, 09:33:08 pm
 Ken & Tkaz,  really looking forward for outdoor movie season,  I think I might try picking up a used one for outside. My projector is mounted to the ceiling and can be a pain to R&R .  

Scalebowler,  since I know you want to open a drive-in one day you might want to check out this web-site. It's one you may have already seen but it's enough to check it out again.

Title: Re: projector
Post by: scalebowler on May 15, 2011, 01:51:04 am
One and a half steps closer to getting the "drive-in" done. Got a stereo with a cd player, tuner, and amplifier all in one. Also may have someone who can make me a speaker stand or two. Just have to build the screen tower now and I will be good to go.

Title: Re: projector
Post by: rayg on May 15, 2011, 10:14:47 pm
Hopefully the weather will cooperate, we had 2 nice days last week  of 70's~80's and now we got rain  and 40's~50's for next week...Not good "Drive-In" weather  :laugh:

Good luck with building your screen make sure to takes some pics! :needphotos:

Title: Re: projector
Post by: scalebowler on May 16, 2011, 12:13:40 am
Hopefully the weather will cooperate, we had 2 nice days last week  of 70's~80's and now we got rain  and 40's~50's for next week...Not good "Drive-In" weather  :laugh:

Good luck with building your screen make sure to takes some pics! :needphotos:

Oh I will be sure to take lots of pics of the set up. It should be really fun. I don't think screen construction will be started untill maybe a week or two since I get done with classes for the summer in a week maybe.

Title: Re: projector
Post by: scalebowler on June 30, 2012, 11:41:50 pm
Made some great progress on that home drive-in that I have been talking about building for the past year. I got the screen support built and tested and it works great. Just have to put one piece of wood on the front and paint it and it will be done. Then after that I have to move onto the stand for the projector. Going to base it off of a modern digital cinema projector stand and also mix in a little bit of the older cast iron 35mm projector stand design into it and then to keep with the modern look I am going to paint it using the same colors as the the projector and put the projector model number and brand on the sides. Should look pretty professional once I get it done. Then after that all I have to do is make the speaker poles (just decided that I want to just get a welder and do it myself and it gives me an excuse to buy a welder) and I am good to go! Movies outside might actually be a reality this year! Then once all this is done and I am "closed for the season" I can concentrate on making my intermission cartoons and theater intro.

Title: Re: projector
Post by: scalebowler on June 30, 2012, 11:48:06 pm
Oh yeah :needphotos:

Here are some pics of the "screen tower" Found a stand that the company who made my screen had so I just copied it from the pictures and built my own. I was having some problems with it not wanting to come out despite the fact that the screen for floor mount and the one for ceiling mounting were pretty much the same thing so I just took the end off the screen and removed the pawl from the little ratcheting mechanism and it works great. Still have the pawl but it is put on backwards so it really does not do anything but I can easily change it if I ever want to. Still plan to put a piece of wood at the bottom and paint the stand "sea foam green" to match the bottom of the screens at all the drive-ins I have been to and then it will be complete. There is a pole at the back that a S hook hooks onto and holds the screen up by the little pull down hook I just did not have the pole bracket built yet when I took these pics so thats why there is nothing there yet. Now to figure out where to get that color of spray paint (despite homedepot having a ton of rustoleum spray paint they did not have that particual color) Off to the regular hardware stores!



Title: Re: projector
Post by: scalebowler on July 09, 2012, 05:37:24 pm
Painted the stand. I was trying to go for that blue color that they always painted the back of the screens and fence below the screen with but I don't really like it too much. What I need is a 1X6 or 1X12 connected to the front of the support to hide the screen housing and have that painted the blue color that way it would look more like a fence.


Title: Re: projector
Post by: scalebowler on July 24, 2012, 05:28:12 pm
Did a test run today with the projector as I was worried that after sitting for a year that all of the adjustments we did would be erased but it ended up working better than I expected. I am also pretty excited to see that the math I did last night was right and the image did not go off the top of the screen.

Projector screen size and projector distance from screen calculations

Title: Re: projector
Post by: Creighton on July 25, 2012, 12:18:08 am
Very cool glad it worked!

Title: Re: projector
Post by: scalebowler on July 25, 2012, 01:20:09 am
Very cool glad it worked!

Thanks! I need to do some minor adjustments but it worked pretty good for watching Tron.

Title: Re: projector
Post by: rayg on July 29, 2012, 10:23:47 pm
It came out good!  nice job

Title: Re: projector
Post by: scalebowler on July 29, 2012, 11:47:34 pm
It came out good!  nice job

Thank you! I am very happy with how it turned out. Now I just need to get some drive-in speaker poles made and I will be set. Just need to find a place that will weld them that will do a good job and not charge me hundreds of dollars. (as much as I would like to get my own welder for this job I don't see that happening for a while)

Title: Re: projector
Post by: scalebowler on October 10, 2012, 01:07:06 am
I don't think I ever posted any pictures of my "drive-in" so here are a few pictures of the first time I set it up.

