SMC Discussion Areas

Restorations => Refinishing => Topic started by: seper8tor on June 21, 2010, 06:05:59 pm

Title: Chrome plating question
Post by: seper8tor on June 21, 2010, 06:05:59 pm
Does re-chroming change the thickness of the metal significantly?

I'm going to re-chrome the coin faceplate/bezel on the front of my milk machine and I'm wondering two things:

1.  Will the fine lettering(Vendo) on the front be lost?

2.  Will the plastic window inserts still fit?

Since I'm planning on redoing the plastic as well I will probably leave the chrome faceplate with the plastic fabricator to make sure the new plastic fits but if rechrominging changes the thickness I guess I should rechrome first.

Appreciate any advice.

Title: Re: Chrome plating question
Post by: SIGNGUY on June 21, 2010, 06:29:25 pm
Not in my experience, but depends on the chrome plater your using... most will strip the original chrome and then fill pits etc with acid copper and then rechrome... you should not have a problem with things fitting and a GOOD plater will not FILL in the parts that are not to be filled in.

Title: Re: Chrome plating question
Post by: MoonDawg on June 21, 2010, 06:38:09 pm
       Since you have a Vendo/VMC large door coin bezel, you don't have to have your plastics shop make one up, the suppliers on this site already stock them.

Title: Re: Chrome plating question
Post by: seper8tor on June 21, 2010, 06:48:45 pm
Yikes!   Thanks for the heads up!  Funtronics?

Title: Re: Chrome plating question
Post by: MoonDawg on June 21, 2010, 08:59:44 pm
         Yes Funtronics sells them as well as Soda Jerk Works here in California.

         Lettering is only sacrificed when there is excess pitting around them, as the plater must grind the pits smooth before he can proceed. You won't need to worry about that too much as I saw your bezel and it looks pretty clean.

Title: Re: Chrome plating question
Post by: seper8tor on June 21, 2010, 09:34:18 pm
I took a look at Soda Jerk Works and Funtronics and the only piece they seem to have is the "sold out, use correct change" plastic insert which is in the upper right of my picture.

I also need the three window insert that shows the drink flavors and the three window insert that says "make another selection".

Both of those are three window but are actually one piece behind the bezel.

Any ideas where I might find them?

The plastic fabricator is charging me $100 to make all those pieces and also the door liner for the bottom door which is opened to get the milk after it drops.  The door liner is a fairly complicated piece about 6" x 18" with a large array of counter-sunk screw holes and custom routing needed.

I think its a fair price.  Another local plastics place quoted me $260.

Title: Re: Chrome plating question
Post by: SIGNGUY on June 21, 2010, 10:52:05 pm
I'd hold off before getting those made, how bad are the origianals.. you know you can buff plastics, if you know how to buff stuff,, if not take it to a shop who knows how... you'd be supprised what can be done to old faded plastics with the right compound and speed of a trained buffer.
as far as I know those parts are not reproduced..

Title: Re: Chrome plating question
Post by: loman4ec on June 21, 2010, 10:58:31 pm
I would try some novus plastic polish and some elbow grease and they will look like new.

Title: Re: Chrome plating question
Post by: seper8tor on June 21, 2010, 11:25:45 pm
The plastics are not in horrible shape but I don't think I could get them looking new either.  The plastic is broken between the flavor selection windows in the back which is hidden but still bugs me.

In the end I think I'm going to pay the $100 and be done with it since I HAVE to have the door liner done.  Its warped and therefore moisture/condensation leaks into the metal door and is rusting it out..

I'll check and see if the guy will keep the CNC patterns for future fab in case anyone else needs the same work done.  I'm sure subsequent pieces will be much less than my initial batch.

I think the coke 216MD machine uses the same inserts.(see pic)

Title: Re: Chrome plating question
Post by: BrianB on June 22, 2010, 05:37:56 am
Yes, the 216 does use the same Selection Plastics. I had one made about 4 years ago by a buddy of mine at work for my Ice Cream Machine. They aren't terribly complicated.

Do you have a "before" picture of your Door Liner?

Title: Re: Chrome plating question
Post by: seper8tor on June 22, 2010, 06:09:45 pm
I don't have a before pic and the door is at the plastics shop.

I'll try to post some pics when I get them back!