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Trouble-Shooting => Refrigeration => Topic started by: glenp87 on June 07, 2010, 07:47:55 pm

Title: Help with Vendo80 - Fans????
Post by: glenp87 on June 07, 2010, 07:47:55 pm
Hi..any help would be greatly appreciated..Have had this V80 for years (not had it running for a long time) some point it was disassembled & cleaned...,,,the Vendo Manual I got from one of the online Coke sites states the Condenser fan pushes air out through the condenser (does not blow on the compressor) and the evap fan pulls air through the coils and up the back of the box....currently the fans are opposite - condenser fan pulls air in through the coils and onto the compressor; evap fans sucks air down and pushes it through the evap I reading the manual incorrectly.....any help is apporeciated,,,thank you.

Here is a "pic" of the compressor



Title: Re: Help with Vendo80 - Fans????
Post by: 90grad on June 08, 2010, 06:19:42 am

The condenser fan should suck air through the coils and blow it on the compressor.  The idea is to suck cooler air from outside the machine to help cool down the coils.  The evap fan should also suck air through the coils and blow it up the back of the machine.  The motors are interchangeable and rotate the same way.

Title: Re: Help with Vendo80 - Fans????
Post by: glenp87 on June 08, 2010, 07:42:12 am

Thank you for the seems then at one time an incorrect fan was replaced because the two fans run in opposite directions(I don't think reversing polarity will alter the direction)

Next, I have to address the evaporator icing up just before the flow moves into the small capillary tube and back to the compressor. All thoughts are .welcome


Title: Re: Help with Vendo80 - Fans????
Post by: 90grad on June 08, 2010, 05:48:12 pm

Reversing polarity won't work.  The motor is only designed to rotate in one direction.

As far as the cooling issue, is the machine cooling and cycling like it should? You will see a little frost on the coils.  How much of it is frosting up?  The coolant path is from the small capillary tube to the evaporator.  Is it frosting up only when the door is open or all the time?  Is the whole line icing up if it runs for a while?  If the whole thing is frosting up and the machine isn't cycling and cooling like it should, it could mean a few different things.  It could be low on refrigerant or have water in the line which is freezing and blocking the line.

Title: Re: Help with Vendo80 - Fans????
Post by: glenp87 on June 09, 2010, 03:08:56 pm

Thanks - found that out,,,,,best place to order a new compressor fan for the V-80?

Regarding the ice....inside gets cold then build-up starts where the small capillary tube changes to the larger "bubble tube" before it enters the top of the evaporator...(not very familiar with the exact phrases)...the compressor gets very times the compressor was cycling, but looks like it has stopped.


Title: Re: Help with Vendo80 - Fans????
Post by: 90grad on June 10, 2010, 05:49:38 am

Funtronics (one of this site's sponsors) sells the fans.  You can also get them through Graingers or maybe at a local HVAC store (if they let you buy them - most only do contractor sales, but some will let you buy if you're nice about it).  Cooling system wise, it sounds like a call to Global Compressors (another sponsor of the site) is in order.  Eric is the expert on the cooling stuff.  If you know some one locally to take a peek, that can help, too.  However, you are dealing with freon, which is EPA-hated, so many people won't deal with it.  If you see an HVAC guy working somewhere, ask him if he or some one he knows would be interested in little side work.

Title: Re: Help with Vendo80 - Fans????
Post by: glenp87 on June 11, 2010, 03:41:56 pm

Thanks again...I will order the fan from Funtronics.....and contact Eric next week on the cooling. In the meantime I will continue to clean up the bottle rack I got earlier this week. Getting closer to getting this V80 back to vending bottles versus being just a fridge.

I will post pics.

Best Regards,


Title: Re: Help with Vendo80 - Fans????
Post by: glenp87 on June 14, 2010, 07:47:16 am
Hi Wayne,

Put the machine back together...including the bottle rack I rec'd a couple of weeks back - cooling works 100%....I think I may have had a gap where the wires and pipes run bewteen the compressor and evaporator - I think the evap drew in outside air.....

Thanks for all the help
