SMC Discussion Areas

Restorations => General => Topic started by: scalebowler on April 14, 2010, 03:54:44 pm

Title: insulation
Post by: scalebowler on April 14, 2010, 03:54:44 pm
Since I am going to pull the liner out of my machine this summer I thought that I should replace the insulation and would like to know what kind I should get. What kind do you guys use for your machines? Just want to make sure I get the right stuff.

Title: Re: insulation
Post by: mznb1u on April 14, 2010, 05:12:43 pm
R-19 should work fine but you have to use a thickness that will work in the space that is available.  I have seen some opictures of restorations that have used foam board as well.  Whatever you use do not pack it in too tightly or it will lose it's insulating properties.

 :drinking: Tim :drinking:

Title: Re: insulation
Post by: scriptx on April 16, 2010, 11:36:56 am
I am restoring a VMC-56 and decided to use polyiso which is ~R-7 per inch compared to ~R-3.5 for fiberglass. While foam board will provide a "boost" in insulating value, it has been a pain to work with all the extrusions (e.g. bottle door, inner tub mounts) and you will have to use fiberglass or low expansion spray foam to fill in voids and foil tape to seal boards together.

As a time comparison, insulating the front door with fiberglass may have taken 30 minutes, I'd guess 40 tops. I have about 4 hours into cutting, shaping, taping, spraying just the front door.

Title: Re: insulation
Post by: loman4ec on April 16, 2010, 04:16:25 pm
Make sure your insulation isn't paper backed. A few times I have been to Home depot and all they had was paper backed and I just take the paper off. It just pulls away and works just fine.