SMC Discussion Areas

Restorations => Refinishing => Topic started by: scriptx on April 11, 2010, 11:08:34 am

Title: How do I refinish these parts?
Post by: scriptx on April 11, 2010, 11:08:34 am
There are numerous parts that are a metal that has a goldish hue, e.g. the long lock bar for the coin door. How would you recommend refinishing them?

Lastly, the main door latch handle and assembly has me a little perplexed as well. There are numerous parts where metal rubs on metal so does everybody just polish theirs?

Title: Re: How do I refinish these parts?
Post by: collecture on April 11, 2010, 12:28:35 pm
There are numerous parts that are a metal that has a goldish hue,

Yellow zinc plating - my place now charges $60 for each rack or barrel - used to be $45, so take as much as you can to the place at once. Lastly, make sure all parts are steel since they clean the parts in acid and it will eat up aluminum or potmetal in a heartbeat. A magnet will stick to steel, but not brass, aluminum or potmetal.
Look under 'Metal Finishing' in the Yellow Pages.

Can't help much on the handle with out a picture

Title: Re: How do I refinish these parts?
Post by: scriptx on April 13, 2010, 09:15:22 am
Thank you for the tip. I found somebody to replate the yellow zinc. Here is a picture of the other part.

Title: Re: How do I refinish these parts?
Post by: collecture on April 13, 2010, 09:41:57 am
I believe the handle is all steel too, but the housing part (not pictured) is not. You can zinc plate it also.

Title: Re: How do I refinish these parts?
Post by: SIGNGUY on April 13, 2010, 11:49:03 am
Yes Tom is correct, I get this part yellow zinc'd as well.. not the sleeve it goes into as its' pot metal but this whole peice pictured is fine.
couple other parts you'll want to do if your taking this to the zinc plater.

Coin Door locking bar,
Locking bar latches
Duck bill ,that leads coins to mech
Door liner access plugs, if any
and the parts you have shown already..