SMC Discussion Areas

The Coin Return => General Chit Chat => Topic started by: Crazzy Canuck on February 28, 2010, 09:54:03 pm

Title: Rip off's
Post by: Crazzy Canuck on February 28, 2010, 09:54:03 pm
 Should maybe start a new thread on here of people who have ripped people off. I've bought a lot of machines/parts etc. and have been as straight forward as I can with people. When I send my hard earned money to people on here for something, and I don't get the machine, nor my money back, that's when I get ugly.
 We are all here to help/benefit each other in this great community here and when some people take advantage of others, that's when I get dissapointed.
 Too bad it only takes afew rotten apples to screw it up for others.

Sucks! Like I said, I work hard for my money and I don't like others taking advantage of it/me.

It's been months now and you know who you are and I hope to see something in the mail here shortly.

Admins: If I've posted this out of text, then please delete but I have not posted the user's name. (yet)

Title: Re: Rip off's
Post by: Pat Pixley on February 28, 2010, 11:32:38 pm
Sooo  what kid of machine ?  :oh:    and sorry this happened to you , I'm sure it was not me .

   I honestly can't say I know how you feel because that has not happened to me.

    Just wondering if you have been in contact or have they been in contact ,
is something wrong at there end  medicial or family problem , or are they straight up blowing
you off .

    Like I said I'm sorry this has happened to you .

Title: Re: Rip off's
Post by: Creighton on February 28, 2010, 11:43:13 pm
I won't delete the post. Please remember anything posted on this board can be evidence in court. If someone sues for slander Jim would be greatly inconvenienced. No Need for that.

Title: Re: Rip off's
Post by: Pat Pixley on February 28, 2010, 11:50:51 pm
Creighton is right on the slander deal, and  I should have not asked about the kind of machine it was .  as to not tipping anyones hand who may know what is going on .


Title: Re: Rip off's
Post by: bubba on March 01, 2010, 06:17:50 am
There was another situation like this a year or 2 ago and we let it go..

Title: Re: Rip off's
Post by: RC kid on March 01, 2010, 12:09:24 pm
I am a strong believer in posting things for the benefit of the group as a whole.

If someone did you wrong they should be exposed. Of course, in todays age of sue happy people, you must protect yourself from unwanted legal action.

I am sorry for what you are going through and I do understand your frustration, as I have been ripped off on two occasions. But I am happy to say I have been extremely happy with the purchases I have mede off of this venue.

I pray our site stays honest as it continues to grow.

Title: Re: Rip off's
Post by: Pat Pixley on March 01, 2010, 01:30:11 pm
I am a strong believer in posting things for the benefit of the group as a whole.

If someone did you wrong they should be exposed. Of course, in todays age of sue happy people, you must protect yourself from unwanted legal action.

I do believe  we did take a standing on this the last time when something like this happened, that there would be no name posted in any deal that went bad,
Because it does really hurt the whole group when we become divided.

Title: Re: Rip off's
Post by: BrianB on March 01, 2010, 03:15:18 pm
I hope your situation works itself out in a positive way.

Title: Re: Rip off's
Post by: loman4ec on March 01, 2010, 03:52:04 pm
I just got ripped on a can stack and shelves off ebay. it was while I was in singapore and I didn't know it never came so by the time I learned it was too late to report it.