SMC Discussion Areas

Trouble-Shooting => Refrigeration => Topic started by: scalebowler on February 07, 2010, 06:53:56 pm

Title: How many times and how long should it run?
Post by: scalebowler on February 07, 2010, 06:53:56 pm
How long should the compressor run and about how many times should it run per hour? I just want to make sure my machine is working like it should.

Title: Re: How many times and how long should it run?
Post by: Creighton on February 07, 2010, 11:43:30 pm
Well that will vary. On my RT-56 full of product 3 times an hour for 7 minutes or so. Near empty 15 minutes x3. We keep the house at 68 degrees. Your machine is quite a bit bigger than a RT-56. To minimize run time keep it full and make sure all is clean and there is good airflow in the compressor area.

Title: Re: How many times and how long should it run?
Post by: scalebowler on February 08, 2010, 12:26:54 am
So making it full makes it cool better? I better get some more stuff then. My machine seems to be on for a while but only goes on about once an hour. Havent really measured the run time though.

Title: Re: How many times and how long should it run?
Post by: Creighton on February 08, 2010, 01:33:01 am
Doesn't "cool better". Just isn't working as hard to cool what's there since most is already chilled.
Hope someone that is better at explanin things chimes in :-)

Title: Re: How many times and how long should it run?
Post by: collecture on February 08, 2010, 09:39:42 am
Having the machine full of product helps retain the cold. The cold cans or bottles act as an insulator occupying the empty space inside the machine; therefore, the compressor does not have to run as much to maintain the temperature set by the thermostat.

Title: Re: How many times and how long should it run?
Post by: SIGNGUY on February 08, 2010, 10:00:14 am
If you machine is only running once an hour, and it's holding temperature, I'd say your doing just fine... put a guage in there to make sure it's getting to the temp you want, but from the sound if it, it's working just fine

Title: Re: How many times and how long should it run?
Post by: scalebowler on February 08, 2010, 06:48:37 pm
The temerature is perfect. I had to actually dial back to a little above halfway because at full power the cans were getting frost on the outside and almost starting to freeze the pop. Just wanted to make sure it is working right.

Title: Re: How many times and how long should it run?
Post by: scalebowler on February 26, 2010, 12:26:31 am
Got another sort of related question. If I open the door about once a day or so can that cause condensation to form on the cans? Seems that the cans are getting a lot of condensation on them but we do have a very humid room the windows have water running off of them.

Title: Re: How many times and how long should it run?
Post by: collecture on February 26, 2010, 12:37:28 am
Humidity will increase the condensation inside the machine.