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The Coin Return => General Chit Chat => Topic started by: Funtronics on February 04, 2010, 07:42:01 am

Title: Coca-Cola RC Plane
Post by: Funtronics on February 04, 2010, 07:42:01 am
Hi Guys:
This is a SPAD RC plane that my son and I made over the weekend. It is made out of plastic square tubing and corrugated plastic. He has several other larger RC planes that he flys, but this one was a fun project we did together. He is 18 and has had his pilot licence for two years now. He is going to a local college this year, and next year he is moving to Florida to go to an aviation college. His goal is to go into the Air Force as an officer so that he can fly jets for the Air Force and later go into the astronautics field. Anyway we had a lot of fun building this, and being red and white it just had to be a Coca-Cola plane.  :laugh:

Title: Re: Coca-Cola RC Plane
Post by: Jim on February 04, 2010, 02:54:35 pm
So, he'll be at Embry Riddle (
I think our own Josh attended there...

Title: Re: Coca-Cola RC Plane
Post by: GreginNM on February 04, 2010, 03:00:35 pm
That's who I took Master's classes from...a common school for Air Force guys.

Rod, if he ever has questions about any of that, point him my way!  I'm an Air Force pilot and I did Astronautics at the AF has been great!

Nice looking plane!   :drinking:

Title: Re: Coca-Cola RC Plane
Post by: Funtronics on February 04, 2010, 03:13:58 pm
Hello Greg:
Yes he is going to Embry Riddle. PM me your number. I'm sure he would love to talk to you to get going in the right direction. He looooves planes and can't wait to get into the Air Force. He didn't want to enlist right out of school because he knew then he probally would't be able to fly. This way if he goes in with some experience under his belt he has a better chance at flying.

Title: Re: Coca-Cola RC Plane
Post by: 90grad on February 04, 2010, 06:09:55 pm

Jim is correct.  Josh (loman4ec) from this site is an Embry Riddle grad.  I'm sure he would have some great info for your son, too.

Greg, a big THANK YOU for your service.

Title: Re: Coca-Cola RC Plane
Post by: mznb1u on February 05, 2010, 12:05:47 am
Very cool plane!  I happen to see this advertisement hanging in a local bowling center and snapped a shot.  Kind of cool!  Doesn't really fly though!

Greg--I may need to chat you up as well.  My son is a junior in high school and is planning on pursuing aerospace engineering or something along those line.  Air Force Academy is on his short list of colleges.  I would like to talk to you about the school and such.  And double that big thanks for your service to our country!

 :drinking: Tim :drinking:

Title: Re: Coca-Cola RC Plane
Post by: 90grad on February 05, 2010, 05:55:48 am

Although I am not in the active military (I do work for the Army as a civilian), I am an Aerospace Engineer.  I would also be glad to answer any questions you or your son may have.  I graduated from the University of Maryland, which is in the top 10 in the country for Aero.

Title: Re: Coca-Cola RC Plane
Post by: Funtronics on February 05, 2010, 06:45:00 am
Didn't realize that there were that many military guys here on the sight.
I'd just like to take the time to say THANKS to you guys for going to bat for our country.
You guys help make our country what it is, and I have the up most respect for you guys.  :happydrinkers:

Title: Re: Coca-Cola RC Plane
Post by: BrianB on February 05, 2010, 07:13:53 am
Great looking plane, Rod! RC/Control Line plane flying is in my blood! My father flew the control line planes back-in-the-day and when I was stationed out in San Diego I had a buddy of mine that flew and he got me started.

I haven't flown in a few years but now that I have two little boys, I can't wait!! :biggrin:

There have been quite a few former, present & soon-to-be military types onboard here, great to see. I myself am looking at about 1 1/2 years until I am eligible to retire.

Title: Re: Coca-Cola RC Plane
Post by: GreginNM on February 05, 2010, 08:54:39 am
Thanks for the support guys!  It's an honor to serve!

Brian, I'm eligible in September...can't believe it is that close!  I believe I'll stick around a few more years...the adventure is still a blast!

I'll be glad to talk with any potential cadets or flyers.  It always helps to talk with someone that has been there.

PMs sent.

Title: Re: Coca-Cola RC Plane
Post by: SIGNGUY on February 05, 2010, 09:42:58 am
Great Looking Plane Rod, I would love to get into RC planes, now that my kids are getting older.. for now where still on the ground with RC Monster Trucks and such... much easier for them to drive than the planes yet...
as for the Military guys, yes thank you for what you do!!!