SMC Discussion Areas

Soda Machines, Coolers & Dispensers => Post 60's Machines & Coolers => Topic started by: USS64K on January 24, 2010, 07:11:30 am

Title: Pepsi V56 , Central Iowa... WHO WANTS IT? Yours for $150.00 !!! NICE TOO.
Post by: USS64K on January 24, 2010, 07:11:30 am
Hey all,      JUST ENTERED NEW HEADING.....see my last post if you are interested, I'm gonna pass for the sake of harmony with my wife.            :darn:

Found this one down the road from my house less than 2 hours away.

Looks like a V56.   Anyone give me an idea what I should pay for it if it's in working order?

They wanted $150.00.   I'm not sure it's worth it.

Could sure use some advice super quick.  If I buy it, it'll be this afternoon.

Sorry, the picture sucks but it's all I have at the moment.

Title: Re: Pepsi V56 , Need help quick this morning on pricing. Good deal?
Post by: halehouse on January 24, 2010, 08:10:34 am
If it is working, cooling, has all the shelves, I would say that $150 is not bad, probably avg. price especially if it is a machine you will get daily use out of.

Title: Re: Pepsi V56 , Need help quick this morning on pricing. Good deal?
Post by: USS64K on January 24, 2010, 08:31:01 am
Thanks.   At least I'm in the ballpark.   It was a "make offer"  I offered $100.00.  They said they wanted a bit more.    I asked what they thought it was worth and they replied $150.00.   My reply was if it had the keys, works and cools, I'd meet in the middle at $125.00 and could pick it up this afternoon.    The offer was late last night so I'm  hoping to find out this morning some time.

Title: Re: Pepsi V56 , Need help quick this morning on pricing. Good deal?
Post by: Jim on January 24, 2010, 08:56:44 am
The price is good only if it cools and is complete!
The machine looks to be in great condition too!
Good Luck ! ! !

Title: Re: Pepsi V56 , Need help quick this morning on pricing. Good deal?
Post by: USS64K on January 24, 2010, 09:00:39 am
Thanks Jim !

I'll hold firm on the price of $125.00 then if all with the machine is good.  It's 104 miles one way to get it so I have to figure that into the cost as well.

Not a screaming deal but not bad either.

On the fence... Hmmm

Title: Re: Pepsi V56 , Need help quick this morning on pricing. Good deal?
Post by: bubba on January 24, 2010, 11:08:41 am
Thats a clean looking 56. I would even go at $150 if it was something you were going to keep. I've sold a few Cokes in worse shape than that for a few bucks more. Plus its a bottle machine.. Keeps beers cold!

Title: Re: Pepsi V56 , Need help quick this morning on pricing. Good deal?
Post by: johnieG on January 24, 2010, 11:17:36 am
Complete & in working order $150 is totally fair, go for it.

Title: Re: Pepsi V56 , Need help quick this morning on pricing. Good deal?
Post by: vendo39 on January 24, 2010, 11:33:00 am
If needed, I think I have extra shelves for that machine.  You can have them for the shipping cost.

Title: Re: Pepsi V56 , Need help quick this morning on pricing. Good deal?
Post by: Kilroy on January 24, 2010, 11:42:51 am
If it works,  the insides intact, I'm with Johnnie, 150 isn't a bad price at all.

Title: Re: Pepsi V56 , Need help quick this morning on pricing. Good deal?
Post by: zadd on January 24, 2010, 12:23:44 pm
Those go for $200.00 -$250 in my area all day long in nice working condition . $150 is a fair price .

Title: Re: Pepsi V56 , Need help quick this morning on pricing. Good deal?
Post by: USS64K on January 24, 2010, 01:11:08 pm
Guess it's all supply and demand.

She's not willing to come down.....yet...

I think she will after another week of not selling it.

If I don't get it, that'll be fine since I'm in the middle of working on the Cavalier USS-8-64 that I bought last week.

Title: Re: Pepsi V56 , Need help quick this morning on pricing. Good deal?
Post by: RC kid on January 24, 2010, 05:01:54 pm
It looks pretty nice, I'd pay $150.00 for it, so long as it was complete and in good working order.

And there is almost always a drive involved when buying a soda machine. Two hours seems to be the normal distance for me when picking up a new find.

Good luck

Title: Re: Pepsi V56 , Need help quick this morning on pricing. Good deal?
Post by: USS64K on January 24, 2010, 05:06:53 pm

I can see how this hobby could become an addiction quite easily.   I keep telling myself,  " I don't need another one.... I don't need another one"    then I say...  "my wife is gonna KILL me if I bring another one home..

YET ,  I'm tempted.    :help:

Title: Re: Pepsi V56 , Need help quick this morning on pricing. Good deal?
Post by: Kilroy on January 24, 2010, 05:20:41 pm
Valentine's Day is around the corner.
Nothing says I Love you like a very clean Vendo...what??
You don't want it??? , I can't retuen it. Fine, I'll move it to the man cave, or the garage.

Title: Re: Pepsi V56 , Need help quick this morning on pricing. Good deal?
Post by: USS64K on January 24, 2010, 05:59:19 pm

I read your comment to my wife.... as I was chuckling and amused..

She didn't respond in like manner.     :darn:         Crap!!!

Anyone out there willing to drive to Central Iowa area who wants it for $150.00?
If so, post a reply to this message and I'll make sure you get the contact info.

Thanks... and disappointed that I couldn't sway my wife.  

 A happy wife is a happy life!!!          Keep mama happy!!    yada yada    :down:

Title: Re: Pepsi V56 , Central Iowa... WHO WANTS IT? Yours for $150.00 !!! NICE TOO.
Post by: Pat Pixley on January 25, 2010, 12:00:24 am
Here is a thought for you and your wife,  buy it then turn around and sell it for
$250 - $300  then let the little lady know that when you sell it  you would take her out to a
nice dinner and a movie   :oh: :smile: .

Title: Re: Pepsi V56 , Central Iowa... WHO WANTS IT? Yours for $150.00 !!! NICE TOO.
Post by: USS64K on January 25, 2010, 08:01:37 am
Could work....     :hopefull:

Title: Re: Pepsi V56 , Central Iowa... WHO WANTS IT? Yours for $150.00 !!! NICE TOO.
Post by: VMC 81 on January 29, 2010, 09:34:43 pm
I would pass unless you could flip it and make some extra$$ but if that were the case it would be sold already

Title: Re: Pepsi V56 , Central Iowa... WHO WANTS IT? Yours for $150.00 !!! NICE TOO.
Post by: johnieG on January 29, 2010, 09:58:58 pm
I would pass unless you could flip it and make some extra$$ but if that were the case it would be sold already

I'll offer some encouragement, buy it, have some fun with it & in the mean time list it for sale, it's a good training opportunity if you'd like to think of it as such. 

Title: Re: Pepsi V56 , Central Iowa... WHO WANTS IT? Yours for $150.00 !!! NICE TOO.
Post by: USS64K on January 29, 2010, 10:05:57 pm
Each day that goes by, the easier it is to let go of the idea of owning it.  Don't know if it has been sold and I guess I'm not gonna ask either.  If she contacts me and comes down on the price to $125.00,  I'd probably still bite on it though. 

Title: Re: Pepsi V56 , Central Iowa... WHO WANTS IT? Yours for $150.00 !!! NICE TOO.
Post by: Pat Pixley on January 31, 2010, 11:25:49 pm
I would pass unless you could flip it and make some extra$$ but if that were the case it would be sold already

   PASS!!!  Heck dont pass on this for $150 it is a deal , Like Johnie G said  play with it learn from it
 then  flip it for $300. and then like I said take the wife out for a dinner  & movie   :smile:.

Title: Re: Pepsi V56 , Central Iowa... WHO WANTS IT? Yours for $150.00 !!! NICE TOO.
Post by: USS64K on February 01, 2010, 07:45:23 am
Just sent her an email inquiring if she has since sold it.   We'll see.

Title: Re: Pepsi V56 , Central Iowa... WHO WANTS IT? Yours for $150.00 !!! NICE TOO.
Post by: USS64K on February 01, 2010, 10:57:36 pm
Nope..   She hasn't sold it yet.   A tough cookie.  Holding fast at $150.00.   Seems fair but I'm on the fence.  First offered $100.00, then $125.00 and she hasn't budged a penny.   My wife isn't real keen on the idea of a second machine but she's not saying that I can't either.     Stay tuned!!! 

Title: Re: Pepsi V56 , Central Iowa... WHO WANTS IT? Yours for $150.00 !!! NICE TOO.
Post by: VMC 81 on February 01, 2010, 11:22:45 pm
like I tell my wife I can always sell it, which you can and in most cases make a few  $$