SMC Discussion Areas

Restorations => General => Topic started by: tkaz on May 10, 2009, 08:16:39 pm

Title: Replacing Wood Grain Laminate
Post by: tkaz on May 10, 2009, 08:16:39 pm
So...after peeling some woodgrain off a CSS-64, I found that the lower panel has some nice black paint underneath the bottom section; but the coin door is a horrible brown underneath.  As I sat there peeling away, I wondered if anyone has just replaced the vinyl laminate with red vinyl laminate, or something similar.  It seems like a quick fix for a machine that I'm just looking to get back to decent shape.  I don't want to get too deep into painting it, I'd just like to see it look pretty good pretty quickly.

If no one else has done it, I'll be the goat and give it a shot, and let you know the results.

Title: Re: Replacing Wood Grain Laminate
Post by: loman4ec on May 10, 2009, 09:36:37 pm
I have used colored vinyl on the tops of cornelius sliders. Its better than paint because cooler tops end up being a catch all. It looks OK but it is really hard to get a big surface to not have bubbles. Unless your are very good with vinyl. I would highly suggest you go take the door to the vinyl shop and have them cover it.

However I would highly suggest paining over vinyl. You will not get a good shine out of vinyl. If this is just a garage machine I think a sprat can paint job may be better and much cheaper than vinyl.

Title: Re: Replacing Wood Grain Laminate
Post by: Pat Pixley on May 12, 2009, 10:16:11 pm
I'm going to agree with Josh on the second part  for painting it,
Zip down to your local hardware or Wally world (Sorry that what I call
Walmart)  and pick up some Rust-Oleum spray cans and hit it.
First make sure you get all that nasty wood grain off and then hit
it with a 400 grit sand paper then hit it with a 800 or 1000 grit for the final                         
sanding then spray away.

 But that just my thoughts
