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The Coin Return => General Chit Chat => Topic started by: davethebirdman on March 26, 2005, 04:53:01 am

Title: How long will it stay fizzy
Post by: davethebirdman on March 26, 2005, 04:53:01 am

I am having real difficulty trying to get bottles to fit my "39". I even looked into getting a replacement drum. Apart from the fact that it would cost me nearly a $1000 to get it to UK it would be no good anyway. Our metric bottles would still not fit.

So, I have decided to fill up the bottles I already have with Coke from the large plastic bottles that can be bought readily in the supermarkets here.

Will this work??? I can buy a capper to seal the bottles so that they are water tight but not sure if that means air tight. Even if it is air tight is there any promise that it will stay fizzy indefinately.

I would filling the machine up regularily. WIth two kids, their friends my neighbours and me it don't take long to get through the bottles but even so they could be in there a while.

Anybody have any observations at all???



Title: How long will it stay fizzy
Post by: Ltransam on March 26, 2005, 10:39:29 am
        I work in the Labeling & Capper Field .If you can get the cap's with the soft inner liner & capping tool there should be no proplems ! Because as you said they don't last long .Make sure that you refill the glass bottles by filling them on an angle (like pouring BEER ) This will help so there is no extra pressure from the fizz while capping them

Title: How long will it stay fizzy
Post by: davethebirdman on March 26, 2005, 10:41:42 am
Thanks for the info. I'm off to see where I can get a capper from. There's a local homebrew shop so they should be able to point me in the right direction.
