SMC Discussion Areas

Trouble-Shooting => Coin Mechanisms => Topic started by: on August 13, 2003, 10:31:21 pm

Title: Free paly
Post by: on August 13, 2003, 10:31:21 pm
johnieg, thanks for your fast reply--i printed out the free play
instructions--question is there a certain size wire i should use
and what size male connecter  and type should i use?????

i also have a problem i have a vendo v110 the coin changer
would work only with dimes and nickels--i went to sell the machine tonight and the first time it worked and then the dimes would either fall through and or the  dimes would hang up and i couldn't get it to work again---i felt like a real fool and lost the sale any suggestion   Bob
the changer is a national rejectors  model 08-56-007

Title: Free paly
Post by: johnieG on August 14, 2003, 08:04:24 am
Hmmm don't know much about the V110's rejector, sometimes the coin return lever gets hung-up in the slightly down (usally after you've hit the coin return for a stuck dime) position & then the slug rejector will spit out all coins, unclip the rejector & inspect it for free movement of the coin return lever
& a clean coin path, I'd start there, I've got a V110 small door
but haven't had many problems with the coin mech (yet! :p )
for the free play switch 16 awg (gauge) is fine, so long as it's rated for 110volt service (don't use speaker wire) as the switch will have line voltage across it, the connector is a standard 1/4" male found at Radio-shack, hardware, stores etc. or if you trace the wires with an ohm meter/continuity checker (with the mech out of the plug/socket & the machine UNPLUGED  :O ) & trace back lines 1, 3, & 7 you can use a quick tap that clips onto the wires, they are blue and are also sold at raido-shack, use a switch thats rated for 110volt's AC
& put it in a clever spot but remember that it'll have line voltage across the back (the bottle opener area's a bad Idea, too much soda-spraying around) some people use a micro-switch with a little lever on it & mount it so that the coin return lever (when depressed) will activate it.