SMC Discussion Areas

The Coin Return => Estimated Values => Topic started by: on December 08, 2002, 12:59:45 am

Title: Vendo 110
Post by: on December 08, 2002, 12:59:45 am
I recently found a Vendo 110 Coke machine in a Antique store for sale. It is in very good condition with all original parts still and has the large louvers on the bottom and takes 10 cents to vend a coke. It is painted all red and has no rust on the inside.This also has the embossed logo on top.I looked it over and from what i can see its been repainted but maybe a LONG time ago.The only problem is the compressor is out according to the owner who has had it for the last ten years. I know without a picture this is hard to put a value on, but what i want to know is whats it worth? Is it worth $2,500 ?

Title: Vendo 110
Post by: on December 08, 2002, 08:05:20 am
if you are saying the compressor is out meaning it doesn't cool it may just need to be recharged. if the compressor is out, meaning out of the machine and gone then it is 500.00 to repair. coke vendo 110 machines vary between 500-1000 dollars in unrestored original condition, 500.00 meaning complete and not working. 1000.00 complete, working and cooling. troy

Title: Vendo 110
Post by: on December 08, 2002, 10:48:58 am

Well I am unaware what exactly the problem is but regardless from what you are saying, $2,500 is WAY to much for a unrestored machine.
I would offer them $1,000 which would be fair.

Title: Vendo 110
Post by: Jim on December 08, 2002, 08:24:43 pm

Don't offer a $1000!  As Troy stated, this is an amount for an original machine in complete operational condition! If there's no refrigeration unit at all, then you're talking around $500 - $600.
Do you know if the coin mech and vending rack is functioning properly...?
This antique shop is stuck on the idea that it's Coca-Cola and it's worth gold in these parts! Chances are they're not going to be very negotiable but always try...

Title: Vendo 110
Post by: on December 08, 2002, 11:47:20 pm

I know the compressor is there but she stated it didnt work. I guess what i would offer( under $1000) probably isint going to fly with them and your right, they don think they have a goldmine.

Title: Vendo 110
Post by: audiobeer on December 09, 2002, 10:45:44 pm
Jim hit it right on the head. If it's complete and the sheetmetal, embossing is straight and the machine is complete then it's worth $500. You could pull the cooling out and have Global redo the cooling and have a gorgeous, functioning machine for $1000!