SMC Discussion Areas

The Coin Return => General Chit Chat => Topic started by: BONOVOX on April 10, 2015, 02:37:59 pm

Title: Chicago Show
Post by: BONOVOX on April 10, 2015, 02:37:59 pm
Whoever is going to the show... be safe getting there and have fun!!!

Don't forget to post LOTS of pictures for us who are tied down with jobs and wives and cant make it there!  :darn:


Title: Re: Chicago Show
Post by: mygoose101 on April 10, 2015, 03:31:49 pm

Title: Re: Chicago Show
Post by: crackerman_don on April 10, 2015, 07:18:22 pm
Here Here copy that!!!!!!! :wow: :wow:

Title: Re: Chicago Show
Post by: jbrumett on April 10, 2015, 08:21:20 pm
Only thing I've heard is that its cold. Yesterday wasn't too kind with bad storms in the area. 

I'm sure others who actually went will chme in with their awesome finds


Title: Re: Chicago Show
Post by: briandr1 on April 10, 2015, 09:19:49 pm
I would love to go but im from west texas and its way too cold in Chicago in April, and I could never afford anything there. :jawdrop:

Title: Re: Chicago Show
Post by: Sarman47 on April 10, 2015, 09:34:13 pm
Wish I could have gone. Work seems to always get in the way .................maybe in the fall.

Title: Re: Chicago Show
Post by: BeaYoung on April 11, 2015, 12:26:15 pm
Thanks to Leonard for selling me the nice Generic VMC 110 at the show! Sweet machine and I was really happy to get. And NOOOO... I am not going to flip it. LOL!!!

Pics coming later. It's a finally a beautiful day here and I have some manure to spead while the sun is shining.  This is different than the "manure" that was spread last week.  :laugh:


Title: Re: Chicago Show
Post by: mygoose101 on April 11, 2015, 12:48:23 pm
And NOOOO... I am not going to flip it. LOL!!!


Ok, now that's funny. Nice to see we can all have a sense of humor. What flavor is the generic 110 going to be?

Title: Re: Chicago Show
Post by: MoonDawg on April 11, 2015, 12:51:12 pm

I have some manure to spead while the sun is shining. 

       I don't know what you're growing with that manure Bea, but if it's buying you all these rare soda machines
I want to come over and help you!  :biggrin:

Title: Re: Chicago Show
Post by: Jared on April 11, 2015, 01:14:23 pm
Congratulations Brenda nice machine

Title: Re: Chicago Show
Post by: BeaYoung on April 11, 2015, 05:55:45 pm
Hey... we're not in Colorado so we're still just growing hay for our hay-recyclers, otherwise known as horses.  Being a vintage girl has it's draw backs. Broke my 1942 manure spreader after a load and a half.  :veryangry: I am getting tired of emptying that thing by hand with a pitch fork... Will skip the gym tonight. Will work on getting that 110 photo soon...

Title: Re: Chicago Show
Post by: Ltransam on April 11, 2015, 07:24:34 pm
Brenda  :smile:

It was my pleasure !!!!! To help supply your collection ! I have the up most respect for Yours and Linda hard work collecting the VMCs  
And I can't  wait to party in the room in the fall those drinks were GREAT !! You guys made And I should have drank more the 4  :drinking:

I really don't care as much about buying and selling at the show as I'm more interested in see the group  of friends I've made on Soda Machines because of Jim's hard work . Hanging with You & Linda ,Jim ,Bob ,Pat,Brian , George & Shane , Janet & Rod . And Chuck & his Buddy Matt that work the show to make it like it is .

And a Special Shout out to My Buddy Larry for finding me a Popperette over a year ago and then after the last fall show offered to rewire it for me because of my concerns .And ended up spending over 30 hours cleaning it alone and polishing all the parts and testing it WAY above the what I was expecting  :tounge:  

Even know there wasn't much there and the weather was all over I consider this the BEST Show I've been too !!!  Hanging with Family  :smile:

Title: Re: Chicago Show
Post by: jholmgren on April 11, 2015, 09:06:21 pm
Sorry I couldn't make it.  'Maybe' the fall show this year.  I had a great time the last time I went.


Title: Re: Chicago Show
Post by: Pat Pixley on April 11, 2015, 09:08:29 pm
It was nice to see everybody hung out with  so many great people  and bought some cool stuff ,  I have pictures out there  on FB and so does Curtis  stop by and check it out .

Title: Re: Chicago Show
Post by: BeaYoung on April 12, 2015, 06:56:01 am
Here are the promised photos of the Generic 110. Looks like it had at least two "previous lives," perhaps one as as Dr Pepper and one as a Pepsi? Check out the photos and see what you think...

Sorry if this posted a couple of times... had problems with picture size- think I finally got it figured out.


Title: Re: Chicago Show
Post by: ld26 on April 12, 2015, 07:03:17 am
Congrats b! Looks like a solid machine

Title: Re: Chicago Show
Post by: BeaYoung on April 12, 2015, 07:06:39 am
Two of the best machine finders- Leonard and Slider Bob!!  These guy unearth some of the most amazing machines! Wish I could find them like they do.

Title: Re: Chicago Show
Post by: Slider-Bob on April 12, 2015, 08:03:23 am
That's a nice VMC 110 that Leonard found on the way to the show!
And are by far one of the best machine finders out there.  Leonard and I have nothing on you!

It was great seeing everyone at the show, and sharing a few stories/drinks with the gang over dinner and at the bar.  I managed to finally find a popperette (with no base and a repopped globe), but got one nonetheless. Special thanks to Brenda for pointing it out to me (see what I mean guys?), and a big thanks to John Nelson (Signguy) for inspecting it, and for his input and advice to make sure I didn't buy a "problem-ette".  I'm gonna wait on taking it to Larry for a rewire/overhaul as he just finished up with Leonard's popperette, and he needs a break!

Overall, the show was light on attendance (bad weather) and on soda machines, but was great on the social camaraderie front. Can't wait till November!

Title: Re: Chicago Show
Post by: Larry on April 12, 2015, 08:01:56 pm
I did my usual Thursday meet and greet with all the SMC members and as usual enjoyed talking to each other.  It's always fun to chat with a few members and hear some stories.  I bought an unusual shuffle from a guy in Canada, met him in the parking lot and loaded it into the mini van before the next batch of rain hit.  I had about two minutes to spare.  While walking to the front door of Portillos I saw in the far distance real dark billowy clouds with a huge wedge shaped bottom.  Me and some other guy stared at it for a minute or so and wondered if it was a tornado.  We both were like nahhh, and went in to eat.  That was about five or ten minutes before Rochele got hit.  I wonder if it was a tornado.  I never saw one before.

Leonard, you are welcome for all the dismantling, cleaning, drinking, polishing, more cleaning, more drinking, wiring, rebuilding, reassembling, adjusting, testing, ...holy cow that's a lot of words with "ing" in them.  Like I told you before, it's about time that you are on the receiving end of favors.  You always help so many other people out (including myself numerous times).  I wanted to make sure that it was in top notch condition when you got it.  I was more than happy to do it for you.  You are a great friend.  I hope you and Sue enjoy it.

Slider-Bob wants what.........ha, ha, ha, ha,.......that was a good one. :laugh:  :laugh:  :tounge:  :laugh:  :biggrin:  Oh Bob, you're such a funny guy.

Title: Re: Chicago Show
Post by: mygoose101 on April 12, 2015, 08:24:53 pm
That 110 looks nice, you can even leave it as is, displays well. I see both green and blue so Dr. Pepper and Pepsi would be my guess also unless a Dr. Pepper bottle door was put on a Pepsi machine? Either way very nice. What flavor is it going to be next?

Title: Re: Chicago Show
Post by: georgescustompaint on April 12, 2015, 10:38:57 pm
My dad and I had a great time at the show too. It was fun going out for dinner and drinks with all you guys and gals. Thanks to Brenda for hosting the first spicy CEASER party.

Len - thanks for driving us to the filling station.

Already looking forward to the fall show ! The count down is on !!!!

Title: Re: Chicago Show
Post by: SIGNGUY on April 13, 2015, 10:36:10 am
I had a great Chicago Show.
Driving down in pouring rain sucked but as we pulled into the lot on Thursday afternoon around 4pm , the sky parted and the sun came out and warmed up to nearly 70 degrees! We had an open trailer and of course people started asking what we had.. so we started to unload a few things and selling , cause why not. it was a awesome.. we sold EVERYTHING we had brought by 6:30pm that NIGHT!!!!
went and met the group at portillos for a few hours and hung in the hotel till around 9pm and off to bed.
next day with nothing to set up or sell we were up and shopping with everying by 4:30am and ddn't find anything I needed in the AM, helped Bob find a popperette and just had a good time.
Bought a Coke Clock inside during the dealer preview that I didnt' have yet for a decent price.

The BEST part of the trip though was on Thursday night around 8pm I get an email from a guy selling a "10 cent coke machine" this was in his description,.. asking if I was interested in buying it. he had reluctantly bought it from his boss who was moving and realized he didn't want it and was going to be too much work to redo.
I emailed back for photos and or a model number figuring just some old square top or slider.... at 10pm he emailed me a picture of a Vendo 81b. :oh: I said lets talk tomorrow (Friday) Morning.  :tounge:
he called me at 9am and told me the story, blah blah .. I finally asked so what do you need for it.. he said he spent $600 on it and needed to get his money back on it. so I say ok so you need $600.. he says yep.., :tounge: I ask where are you located, he said in Indiana about 1 hour south of Chicago, I say, ok that's cool, I happen to be in the Chicago area and he then says well I could meet you half way if you have cash... I said I do and sure. He said he was going to get up and go get it out of his storage and call me back with a place half way to meet.. so at 10am he calls me and says lets meet in Joliet.. by this time , I only found a clock at the show, my buddy Tom is done looking too, so we head south toward's Joliet... sorry I didn't get to say GOOD BYE to everyone still at the show, but I was on a mission!..
After finding our way to Joliet which actually took about an hour we met the guy at a gas station, we unloaded it , it looked pretty good and paid the main plus $50 for his time/gas and I had a $650.00 Vendo 81 B in the back or our empty trailer! and if course a BIG SMILE on my face (after he left)..

so overall Chicago Trip this year was great!

Title: Re: Chicago Show
Post by: Funtronics on April 13, 2015, 11:48:02 am
Great story John. Good for you.... :happydrinkers:

Title: Re: Chicago Show
Post by: MoonDawg on April 13, 2015, 12:13:44 pm
      Wow John, did you think to buy lottery tickets on the way home?   Great adventure.   :happydrinkers:

Title: Re: Chicago Show
Post by: Jared on April 13, 2015, 03:16:10 pm
Great story congratulations

Title: Re: Chicago Show
Post by: Jim on April 13, 2015, 08:13:39 pm
Just chiming in to share on the fun with this show!
Not the best for me locating stuff, but time well spent with everyone ! ! !
I'm bringing home a bunch of stuff anyway...
A Big Thank You goes out to Brenda for the cocktails ! ! !
John, Glad to hear the trip south worked out!
I hope everyone had no issues traveling home!

Title: Re: Chicago Show
Post by: collecture on April 14, 2015, 12:02:18 am
OK Brenda....what is the fuss about your drink? Does it have manure in it?  :tounge:  j/k

Title: Re: Chicago Show
Post by: BeaYoung on April 14, 2015, 07:37:19 am
In Canada the "Ceasar" is a variation of the Bloody Mary.. or maybe the Bloody Mary is a variation of the Ceasar! My fellow Canadians can chime in on this if I get something wrong. The Ceasar is made with Vodka and Clamato Juice, as opposed to tomato juice or bloody mary mix. It has a shake or two of Worchestershire and a shake of Tabasco sauce. We add a rim garnish made up of various spices (that we get in Canada), some snacks on a toothpick (sausage, cheese, olive) and stir it all up with a celery stick. In western Canada they sometimes add a dash of horseradish sauce... we skip that after having a Ceasar at the Calgary Stampede that still has my sinuses blown open! I am sure that there are many variations, this is just how we make them.

At the fall show, we were all talking about Cesears so Linda and I thought, "why don't we just make some and invite everyone over for one?" So that's how it started! Slider Bob brought some snacks and Voila! we had a gathering. Linda was our "most excellent" bartender and did a fabulous job of keeping our glasses full!

We'll look for you at the fall show Tom so we can make you one! We won't even use any manure!  :laugh:


Title: Re: Chicago Show
Post by: Slider-Bob on April 14, 2015, 07:45:19 am
Those drinks were awesome! Great job ladies!

On a side note, can someone provide a link to Pat's or Curtiss's facebook page so we can look at the pics?  

I don't have a facebook account, and when I go to, it prompts me to log on with an ID that I don't have.  

Title: Re: Chicago Show
Post by: collecture on April 14, 2015, 03:01:04 pm
Sounds good Brenda! And I do need to make it to Chi-Town!

In my youth, around the time U2 came out with the song "Sunday Bloody Sunday" I used to host Sunday Bloody Mary parties. We'd hang, watch sports and videos on my Beta player (lol) and "get over" the night before....good times!
My Bloody Mary's had names like -
Attitude Adjustment was the 1st one
Mood Enhancer was your 2nd
A Wink was the 3rd
and the 4th was The Shutter cause you were out.

Your recipe is very similar to mine except I use the Tabasco (Mild) B.M. mix and the Chipotle Tabasco, Black Pepper and my grandmother's Seasoned Salt. I'll send you some to try with this next mech - it is good on almost everything.

Title: Re: Chicago Show
Post by: BONOVOX on April 14, 2015, 03:04:01 pm
Gotta love any U2 references  :smile:

My Team (the Leafs) just fired their entire coaching staff / scots (23 in total) on Sunday.... sports talk shows here are calling that day "Sunday Bloody Sunday"
Sorry to get off topic.... but my name is Bonovox of U2   lol


Title: Re: Chicago Show
Post by: Kilroy on April 14, 2015, 05:56:16 pm
Talk on the Detroit side is that Shanny is going to try to deal for Babcock

Back to Chicago. One day I will get there