SMC Discussion Areas

The Coin Return => Soda-Machines.Com News => Topic started by: dr galaga on August 15, 2005, 06:09:16 pm

Title: Help menu
Post by: dr galaga on August 15, 2005, 06:09:16 pm
Okay gang, after talking (and typing) with Jim we decided to enhance the Help menu (the little button at the top-right that most have probably forgotten about :p ) instead of adding a FAQ.  
The Images and File Attachments are done and I added/completed a Links option.  I am going to add material to the rest of the areas as I get time - but school starts up this week (as an educator and student).
You can start looking and directing people over to the Help!
Please  let me know if something doesn't seem right (or there's a typo).  Also let me know if you think some topic should be added.


Title: Help menu
Post by: Creighton on August 15, 2005, 06:21:33 pm
Great work guys!! Just a thought, can it branch to basic help/FAQ on free play switch, cleaning etc...
What a cool board!!!

Title: Help menu
Post by: Jim on August 15, 2005, 08:59:23 pm
This is not to be confused with Discussion Area Functions.
Eventually, I will incorporate a FAQ Section, but this is to cover questions relating to Soda Machines, Coolers and related items, not how to post images or links, that is what the Help System is for...

Dr. Galaga, aka Brent, has updated the following Help Sections: File Attachments, Images & Links
I would like to Thank Brent publicly for his time and any time he can devote in the near future to updating the Help Section @ SMC!

Title: Help menu
Post by: Creighton on August 16, 2005, 02:27:13 am
If any help is needed just ask!! Thanks for working towards ease of use for all.