I am putting a Coke Vendo 81 together. I got it from Coke_and_Stuff (Joey) with an 80 liner that he drilled for the 81 shelf hinges. The holes were pretty far off for the shelves to work and the liner was kind of bent up around the door latch.
I did not like the idea of having so many holes in the liner. So I took some measurements from my other 81 and had a sheet metal shop cut me a piece to put on the inside. Somehow I screwed up and got it right the 1st time. I had them put a corner on the front that will be hidden by the breaker strip. Once it is painted you will be able to tell it is there, but it will look really nice.
Here are a few pics. This was a favor owed to me, but I can get some more if there is any interest. If you had a beat up 81 liner it could really be cleaned up this way.