« on: September 05, 2003, 06:55:40 pm » |
Ok I am new to this. I just bought a Choice Vend Pepsi machine and I am lost. It doesn't have a Coin Mech and want to find out how much it is going to cost to replace it or can I by-pass it. I'm not sure what model it is, I did find a label that says 168-5 not sure if it is a model number or what.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks, '>
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2003, 04:02:18 pm » |
I am new to this too, but I'll throw my two cents in and see if it helps you. I also just recently got a choice vend machine, mine is a cvc-168 5. You can rig the free play as described in the post pinned at the top of this category.(I have not been succesful at doing this yet because I am waiting on some parts.) The coin mechanism that came in mine was a mars 6200 and they are available. I bought one for $20.00 off ebay. ebay link This is who I got it from and I was happy with the transaction. I am told this machine is capable of vending cans or bottles depending on how you set up the auger drives. I hope this helps. Hopefully in about a month I'll have mine going and be a little more sure of what I'm telling you. Andy
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2003, 10:02:26 am » |
Thanks for the info. I have tried to use the diagram to do the Free Play but I am not getting anything. I am starting to get worried that the Augers are bad. I also have 3 wires on the harness going into the Relay box that are cut but I can't figure out where they go or if they are the reason the Free play isn't working. I will post a Pic of the Wiring this evening and have you take a look and see what you think. So far you are much more experienced at this so I will be picking your brain if you don't mind.
Thanks for all of your help. '>
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2003, 04:45:17 pm » |
Hee are a couple of pic of my Wiring harness. As you can see in the 1st pic there are 3 wires cut on the top of the Relay box. any insight would be appreciated.
« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2003, 04:45:26 pm » |
The 3 wires coming out the top that appear cut may be left that way from the manufacturer. On mine there are three wires out the top of the relay box harness labled BLU-15-12, RED-15-14 and YEL-15-15. If these are the same as on yours I would surmise that it is supposed to be that way,maybe an option from the factory that was left off? Under the augers there is a rod/switch that is used(to my understanding) to auger the cans into place by the person stocking it. I was able to push those switches to get an idea of what motors and augers were working. If one auger moves then all 4 augers in that row should turn, otherwise you have stripped gears. What I found on mine was that because some of the relays in the relay box are bad and some of the vending limit switches on the auger system were bad the machine would do funny things and the Free Play did not work. I found parts to replace those but I can't afford them until later this month so now its just a waiting game. If you look on this discussion board under the General heading you'll see my first post looking for a wiring diagram. There may be some helpful info there and even the possibility of getting a manual for the machine. Good Luck!
« Reply #5 on: September 08, 2003, 04:57:24 pm » |
I don't know why, but the pictures are not showing up on my end, hope that last post helps anyway. Andy
« Reply #7 on: September 08, 2003, 05:44:48 pm » |
This looks very simialar to mine with a few minor discretions. Mine has brown plastic augers and does not have the lights above the relay box like yours. The three wires look like the same three that are not connected to anything on mine. If you think you could make a copy or good photo of the wiring diagram that would be great! I have spent alot of time trying to trace wires and such figuring out how this thing works. A wiring diagram would be great help. Does yours cool OK? Did you try the manual vending switches (its actually a wire rod that extends back to the vend limit switch and triggers it)? Let me know how its going. Andy
« Reply #8 on: September 08, 2003, 06:58:16 pm » |
Your info has helped alot. I found the auger switches. It appears that all but one worK (so I will need to figure out how to repair). I can hear the motor spin but the augers don't move.
I will make a Copy oof the wireing Diag tomorrow hopefully I can get a decent quality copy for you(least I could do).
It seems to cool ok but need to get the Free Play Switch wired so I can see how the whole thing works.
Also, any idea how to load it? I know it sounds pretty dumb but I have never been inside a Soda Machine untill I got this one. 
« Reply #9 on: September 08, 2003, 08:41:35 pm » |
Since I don't have mine going yet I'm not sure how to load cans ( I'm assuming you have it set up for cans?) so I posted the question under the General section. I know johnieG has a choice vend(bigger one) but I think the loading process is the same. He also has some parts for a choice vend. If you need something and he doesn't have it I found another source that is also really good. Andy P.S. Thanks for working on the wiring diagram issue for me.
« Reply #10 on: September 08, 2003, 10:04:57 pm » |
Ah a fellow ChoiceVend owner! the three wires would have gone to the can opener's heated piercing-point,( if so equipt.) do put some wire-nuts on them! (they have 110 volts across them! ) to load the single width/double deep stack lay one can in the back of the stack then one more just in front of it toching the can in back, oh & make sure the tops of the cans face towards the rear of the machine/stack (so when it vends it comes out, it drops bottom first out of the chute)once you get about 4 to 6 cans loaded, hit the loading switch underneath & the cans will feed into the augers, (you might want to tape the "Sold-Out" switchs down so you can test the vending cycle though, when a stack shows a "Sold-Out" light there's always about 4-6 cans left in that stack this may be why the "free-play switch wasn't working for you too. :'> ) if the motors spins when you hit the loading switch but the augers don't turn, you may have a stripped main gear in that stack's helix/motor assy. CAREFULLY try to turn the rear auger while hitting the loading switch) if it howls like a banshee, the gears stripped,or has a flat spot, be CAREFULL! if it catches it will turn all four helix's 1/2 turn & may decide to take your fingers for a little spin! ouch! ! in closing when the machine drops the first can for that stack, that stack is primed, then each vending cycle (or each hit of the loading switch) it will drop one can in that stack if set up properly vend at least four cans to make sure that there are no flat/stripped spots on the helix/gears assy's, double width stacks load the same way, just 2x2 (side by side, 2 in the rear,& two in the front, OH and by the way if the gears AREN'T lined up as show in the diagram on the front door or have slipped out of sync, due to a stripped gear that stack MAY crush the can & spray you with the soda of it's "Choice" 
Spoon-feeding Newbies since 2001...  Yeah..220,221 whatever it takes. Remember, all it needs is a shot of Freon! The Vendo V-83 is the '59 Edsel of the coke machine world. ;p Spray painting does NOT restore a compressor 11 is louder than 10... "Hope" is good, but it's not an action plan.
« Reply #11 on: September 09, 2003, 04:06:24 pm » |
I have made copies of the Wiring Diagram. If anyone would like a copy send me a message with Address and I will send you a couple copies.
I would really like to thank everyone for helping me. this is going to be fun. '>