I had thought about the same thing myself, I just don't know anyone that works in metal fabrication. (Though a buddy of mine that worked in aircraft maintenance said the metal shop could have easily made one, if that was allowed!)
I have a couple of pictures, but they aren't too detailed as I didn't take them. My thought was to find someone that would let me borrow a drum (and needed mounting pieces) to have them duplicated, then return them. Of course, finding someone to loan you their drum might be tricky! I know I would surely love to have a drum for my machine, and I'm sure that there are others in the same boat. If someone were to take the time to make a few drums, they could surely make a few dollars at it (as long as the price wasn't prohibitive). Anyone else have a drum laying around for loan?

Let us know if you are able to work something out to get one/some made!