Hi Everyone,
We are Rod & Janet Heuerman from Teutopolis, Illinois and we are the new owners of Fun-Tronics. I'm sure you are all wondering who we are. We are from central Illinois and Rod has been restoring coke machines for several years. We are members of the Coca-Cola Club and the Coin-Op Club. We have been collecting advertising memoribilia for over 15 years. We do several shows every year with the next one being the Chicagoland Coin-Op Show. We have heard there has been some confusion about who we are. We are not the same people who bought out Home Arcade.
I'm sure all of you are wondering what is in Fun-Tronics' future. Rod plans on continuing running his family business (trucking, sand & quarry business) and Janet will be running Fun-Tronics day to day operations. Janet has some knowledge of restoring some machines but not all of them. So, she may not have the answer for you right away, but will have Rod & Steve Ebner to consult with. We should have a website up and going hopefully by the first part of November. We are in the process of working on some new items and putting out a new catalog. One of the new items that is almost complete is the medallion for the Vendo 81 which is a hard item to get. We are going to try to make Fun-Tronics more accessible to you by enabling you to fax orders to us. We are always open for your input for new items that need to be developed and welcome your comments.
Our first day open will be Monday, October 6, 2008. Our hours will be 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Monday - Thursday and Fridays by chance.
We apologize for any inconvenience Fun-Tronics being closed during this transition period has caused you. We look forward to working with everyone!!

Rod & Janet Heuerman
Fun-Tronics, LLC
(217) 857-1759
welcome, great to here you will have a web site, it was needed, most people today buy off the web, i think it will help your sales alot, not everyone does this full time , and can call from 10-4. lots of people come home from there real job and do this as a hobby or part time and needs to order after hours. i think this will make this easy for most of us, There is not to many full time guys out there any more, a very hard way to make a living, but there are lots of us that do it part time or as a hobby, glad to here you are going to be up on the times, welcome, welcome, welcome, jeff wolf