I have to agree with Signguy and collecture. The SMC Calvalry to the rescue!

I acquired a Cavalier USS-8-64 in March and have had it running since that time. I have not noticed much of a difference in the electric bill but when things got hot here in Michigan, I moved the machine from the garage to the basement. I figured it would run less frequently in a cool basement. I would suggest that you keep the machine full at all times--even if you just put bottled water in it as that will help it hold the temperature longer between cycles (at least that is what somebody told me!).
Now if I could get my kids to turn off the lights, TV, ceiling fan, computer etc . . . . .
I could single-handedly solve the energy crisis!

Here is another idea--what does your wife like to drink? If it is wine, you can find a wide variety in 187ML bottles (and some decent brands as well) that will vend in slant shelf machines! These are the same bottles that they use on airplanes. You can also get splits of champagne that would work.

Then you can grab her a nice glass of wine when you grab yourself an ice cold beverage of your choice. Keep momma happy but don't give up the soda machine!