Why is it that 4 out 5 LaCrosse machines are missing a majority of there shelves ?
Why is it when you go to pick up a machine that is has to be in a basement or in a real tight area and there is always a narrow stairway ?
Why is it when you ask the person does it run and get cold they say yes, but you ask them
to plug it in and they say they cant because they sniped the end of plug off ?
Why is it that so many cap catchers missing ?
Why is it when you go look at a machine the person says it just in the way I was thinking
of sticking out curb side for the trash man to take , But wants to sell it to you for his childs
collage fund ?

And here is one, Why is it when your daughter turns 21 she now thinks she should get one of
your better coolers/machines and you also need to stock it for her for the first time ?