5 Cent Member

Posts: 74
« on: July 19, 2008, 12:27:05 pm » |
Hi, just found this exellent site whilst looking for info on my Perfumatic perfume vendor. I've seen the one on here, and noticed that it has a top sign that mine is missing. Does anybody have one spare? My machine is a bit rusty, and will need a full restoration, but if I can get hold of the top sign and have some new decals made up, I don't think it should be a problem to get it looking good. I also have a few gumball machines, the usual Ford, Northwestern etc, an old English cigarette vendor and various '50s/'60s pinballs and bandits. Thanks for your help, and am glad to become a member of this usefil site. Gaz.
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2008, 08:27:02 pm » |
Welcome to SMC ! ! ! As far as your Perfumatic sign is concerned, this may be difficult to locate. You'll probably have better luck locating a decent complete one that you can restore and sell the other... I have one and would have to take a look, but you might also consider making one...
My six cents, Jim 
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2008, 03:25:19 am » |
Hello Gaz
you're from the Uk aren't you???
It was me with the perfume dispenser and sign... Its all part of the back of the machine?? Where are you?? You are more than welocme to come and have a look at it yourself or I can provide photos.. I don't think its the sort of thing that people will have lying around... The machines do come up from time to time on Ebay and range in price...
Would be interested in seeing what other coin op you have....
Welcome to the site?? Do you have a Coke Machine???
5 Cent Member

Posts: 74
« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2008, 12:18:41 pm » |
I'm from Derby, East Midlands. Don't have a Coke machine, not enough money or space! The nearest I've got is an old '60s picnic cooler. Am into mainly EM pinballs, but seem to own a lot of other coin op stuff too, got a couple of '50s bandits, '50s Seeburg wallbox, various gumballs etc. Quite like the vending machines, but never knew a great deal about them 'till I came across this site. Must say, it's very informative and interesting. As for the Perfumeatic, think I'm gonna have to get a scan of the top sign and get it made. I'm gonna have to do that for the decals anyway. I see yous is pink, from the little paint that is left on the inside of mine, it seems it was blue, don't know if this was it's original colour or not. I like the look of yours, so may paint mine pink.
« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2008, 04:05:19 pm » |
Mine is pink as well and I have the original box too. A scan would be difficult but a photo with dimensions may be enough to make one... I think there was a post with a photo of the top... I search real quick... Nope, couldn't find any close-up photos of the sign... If you need on, let me know...
My six cents, Jim 
« Reply #5 on: July 20, 2008, 05:40:22 pm » |
I also have a Perfumatic, but mine probably isn't as nice as Jims. If his was in the box, it should be pristene. If you need a picture, I'll dig mine out. It is back behind a lot of stuff right now.
Here is a picture that I took out of a 1955 coin op catalouge. It's not an ad, but just some gal using the machine. I'm just posting the picture to show that the machine was from at least 1955.
A lot of stuff.
5 Cent Member

Posts: 74
« Reply #6 on: July 21, 2008, 11:14:11 am » |
According to the KLOV, it was made in 1950 by the Mercury Steel Corporation. I've got a couple of photos showing the top sign, so I'll have a go at blowing them up and playing around with them on the computer. This site is bad. I only found it a few days ago, and now I find myself wanting all kinds of vending machines that I didn't even know existed before! It's a bit frustrating that we don't have that many in England though.
« Reply #7 on: July 21, 2008, 11:21:37 am » |
Hi Ya Gaz
at work at the moment... But give a couple of days and i'll fire off a few pictures of my machine.. Its in pretty good nick.
This site is very bad... I blame lots of people here for egging me on over the last three years... (only joking) At last count I have over 30 vending machines... Four of which are Soda Machines. When I first logged in I had exactly one..
You've got to love it... Like I tell the wife It could be worse I could be out at Bars all night.