Well... This will sound cheap... and it was... the Pepsi 81 sold for $1400.00 It was just me and this other guy or Cowboys “buyer”.... It was missing the mech and the inner bar that connects to
the mech thing that trips the stack.... nice and straight with no dents or serious rust.
I wanted it to resell.. but I didn't do my homework and chickened out...

I later talked with the buyer... turns out he sets up at Chicago and is the one who made the
embossed “Squirt” 39s... seemed to be a real nice guy and told me he would have gone to $2800
which is still a good buy I guess... After that bid the auctioneer put the cooler up so I got it for $500.. a little much I thought... but I couldn't go home empty handed ... Turns
out when I told the wife that it was a double dot and she came down to the basement and
gave it a look over she really likes it... So it (and I) get to stay!
I still have the Pepsi 81 Joey traded me and need to work on it when the Nichol Kola and 7up is done. It has a couple dents and a couple tiny pin holes around the belt so I worry on how bad it may be once I get into it.. but I guess it's nothing that can't be repaired..... So I don't feel too bad not winning.... and I think he's interested in my rt56.. so I may get that one sold without putting it on ebay.