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Author Topic: Need Coinco S75-9800A advice  (Read 9219 times)
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« on: March 26, 2008, 12:55:33 pm »


I need help on my Coinco!  It's in a Sielaff office coke machine.  When I plug the coinco in it buzzes and does not activate any of the levers when coins are put in it.

I have taken it out and put 110v to terminals 1&2 and it doesnt buzz, just when it's in the machine.  All the machine vend levers seem to work freely and properly.

I've checked the transformers, microswitches, etc.  Any ideas on what it could be?
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Soda Jerks
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This is fine...everythings going to be OK....

« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2008, 06:34:06 pm »

Have you had it apart lately, before it started buzzing?

what you are hearing is probably the CREMS ( Coin/Return/Eletro-Magnets) these are activated by several things, there are two sets of CREMS in the 9800 series, the top one is for rejecting nickels, the bottom unit is for rejecting dimes & quarters.

1) there are not enough nickels for change in the coinmechs change tubes & the lower CREM is activated.

2) the sold out lever(s) are tripped & it is sending a signal to the coinmechs CREMS to reject coins because it thinks it's empty. thus tripping both the top & bottom CREM.

3)the movable plates (called the armatures) on the CREMS are somehow dislodged from their pivot points/hinge spring area. or the wire fingers that are attached to the CREMS movable Plate ( called the armature) are misaligned & are not centered into their corresponding holes in the back of the slug rejector, & are causing the armature(s) to be jammed.

you cannot test the CREMS on the bench just by plugging the mech into line voltage across pins 1 & 2. without a coimech tester, they get their power from the machine once the coinmech is plugged into the jones socket from pin #7,

pop out the slug rejector from the coinmech, & remount it into the machine, now plug it back into the jones socket, if the buzzing goes away, or is very much reduced, it may just be a misaligned slug-rejector. if it's still biuzzing loudly, try to gently apply pressure to the armature ( carefull, it could be hot to the touch) if it quites it down, then try to shim a thin 1/2" piece of plastic just under the little flat spring at the top center of the armature. this should give you a little more tension on the spring & help hold the armature flat against the magnets Coil/Core.

DO NOT try to remove the armature from the CREM(s) OR try to bendthe spring, it's brittle & if you break the spring (which is easy to do!!!) you'll be sorry, ( and you think it's loud now!)

Plan B: replace the CREMS , or you could just remove the Armatures & remove the source of the buzzing, but if you do this, the coinmech will not reject any coins due to now change or a sold-out condition.

Plan C: replace the coinmech.

Spoon-feeding Newbies since 2001...Wink
Yeah..220,221 whatever it takes.
Remember, all it needs is a shot of Freon!
The Vendo V-83 is the '59 Edsel of the coke machine world. ;p
Spray painting does NOT restore a compressor
11 is louder than 10...
"Hope" is good, but it's not an action plan.
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2008, 10:08:57 pm »

Great info, thanks!  It has made the buzzing since I got the machine recently.  But I think you may have answered a really dumb question:  I need to have change in the change tubes for it to work?!

If that doesnt do it, I will try removing the rejectors...I just use it in my shop so hopefully my kids dont have slugs!

Thanks again!
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2008, 11:59:34 am »

Hi Again!

So the buzzing was definitely the ejectors (CREM).  I couldnt stop one from buzzing, so I disconnected both.  I also filled the change slots with nickles.

However, the quarters still just fall through the machine and dont release the vending mech.  Any ideas?  Price is set for .50.....I have tried more or less coins also.
Soda Jerks
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Posts: 6228

« Reply #4 on: March 28, 2008, 12:45:17 pm »

       The slug rejector thinks your quarters are fake. Remove it from the coinmech
and clean it with hot soapy water.

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