
I just finished typing about three paragraghs of reply & the a$#@! reply window decided to delete everything just to "remind" me that someone was posting a reply as I was trying to submit mine!

, Jim's got to fix this stupid glitch, it also erases all of your reply if you try to post a picture that's too big, so when you hit the "back" button it offers, BAM, all of your typed reply is dumped into la-la land. this "bug" is really starting tick me off!

it needs a buffered scratch pad area that autosaves as you type. I've had other folks say the same thing happens to them if the dont remember to manually save a "draft" copy before they attempt to post.
I did a little digging and may think this is more browser related than a system issue. I have not had this happen to me so I would like to gather more info from those of you that have details on the issue...
Does this happen on the Quick Post text box, using the Reply text box or both...?
I think Johnie stated it happens when posting an attachment that is too large as well...
Which browser is being utilized for this to occur...?
And any other details that may aid in correcting this issue...
Thanks ! ! !