Got a few more questions here:
What goes here? and where do I find one?

Where can I get one of these labels?

This shim; I hate to seem stupid, but I've never seen one and all of em had fallen out when I got the machine, so I don't know how they go in. The front of the colums appears flat, the back has that wall that moves forward/backward if needed for the bottle, by turning a screw at the top. I see a couple of little pins that hang out from either side of the moveable back wall, and I guess these tabs might rest on those. just aint fittin right. The sort of dangle in the front. I don't know HOW they are supposed to look.
This is very important as I want to put water bottles in there.

This pic has no purpose, I just thought it was funny flavor strips I printed to replace the empty ones that had no strips in em.

This is her all cleaned up, with a peace sign printed on magnetic paper (simulate a sticker from the 70's). The peace sign, at least to me, dated it.

Thanks for all the help guys. My son and his friend are raiding it today. It's been very fun. WE filled it up yesterday with diet caffeine free Cokes in the can. They have sat and had great conversation next to the machine. cool...
Pretty good for a hundred dollars I think.