Picked up my first round cornered machine that I purchased off Ebay a few days ago. I was very pleased when I saw it. The auction said they didn't know if it worked and would not even plug it in. They did not know how to open the left side of door and did not know if it had coin mech was there.. When I saw it I just paid for it and loaded it up.It looked so nice not even surface rust. I had bid on it and won it and was committed anyway. I unloaded it when I got home and went to bed. The next day I went out and opened it up . The inside almost perfect and the coin mech was there. I loaded the machine with 8oz bottles and put a dime it ,it vended perfectly. Plugged it in and cooling system fired up and I put a thermometer in and closed the door. I checked it about 5 hours later and it was 28 degrees. I turned the thermostat back and I am in business. Great feeling!