I was out of the office yesterday, and when I came to work this morning, there was a Vendo 63 Can machine sitting on our loading dock. I figured one of my workers brought it in... I asked them all, and no one knows where it came from. I finally found someone who knew about it, and the junk man that picks up some of our scrap metal dropped it off the night before. He stopped by this morning, and said it was for me, and when I asked him how much, he told me thanks for the scrap metal.. The machine looked like it had been through the war when I saw it. I had my cleanup guy here hose it down and got all the stickers off it, and it actually looks great. I haven't plugged it in to see if it cools, but I'll take a V63 for nothing anytime

I should have taken a before shot, but I really didn't expect it to look even close to how good it looks..