Thanks for all the advice as I knew I still wanted the machine for $600. I offered him $500 this afternoon and he said to call back tonite...
So it's tonite and I called the guy around 8pm and asked what time can I come by and look at it... it's 2 hours away so wanted to make sure I would be taking it home before driving...
He says he finally got my email with the photo of the V56st that I offered as part of the deal and he didn't like it . (who can blame him).
He says he talked with the girlfriend and she likes it and doesn't want to sell it...I said I'd give him the $600 cash for it first thing in the morning (ready to jump in my car at 4am) he says no he wants to keep it as it's growing on him.. and a friend of his old him "These old Nesbitts machines are very rare"!!

so he wants to keep it and use it... This guy doesn't even know what he's got yet.. it's got a metal Nesbitts sign tacked to the front over the embossed Coke Logo!!! I of course kept this to myself and said please write down my number and put it in the machine and when the time comes that you want to sell it or it breaks down, CALL ME!!! and my offer of $600 stands! he said OK and we left it at that! I wanted to reach out through the phone and choke the guy... but I held back.. figuring OK... Maybe down the road he'll realize he'd like to get $600 fast ,,, like when he has to buy a ring for the girlfriend of his!!
So we have to chalk this up to "Gave it my best"!!!

Wish I had better news.. but I am working on another deal as we speak for another machine that will take away some of the pain and will post about it when i get more details tomorrow!!! Stay Tuned!!!