hehe started out as a 4 door hard top and his friend had a burned out 57 nomad body. they got an interesting isea one day and cut the front half of the nomad away(firewall and top was melted and beyond use) and removed the back half of the 4 door(body only,left chassis intact) and stuck the 2 together with the longer 2 door doorway. used a 58 station wagon liftgate backglass for the rear window( wraparound style) and welded it all in. i got the car after that rough work was done and finished it off with mahogany wood in bed new stainless and trim, new carb on the 454 in it with 3 inch exh and raccaro seats,and bam done. that was back in early 2000 when i sold it. a link i saved
http://customclassictrucks.com/featuredvehicles/27001/index.html shows a bit more detail