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Author Topic: Any ideas on where to start  (Read 8371 times)
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« on: March 30, 2003, 12:16:20 am »

Here's the thing, I would like to get my school a soda machine but we are in the carribean and we use EC coins, now down here we have been unable to obtain one and i am looking to see if I can get one from the states, but i am worried that they will only have US currency, now this wouldn't be such a terrible thing, just a slight inconvenience.  If there is anyone that could point me in the right direction, I would be eternally grateful.  Thank you and God Bless.
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Soda Jerks
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« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2003, 09:17:41 pm »


I'll take a try at this, regret no hard fast answer. Don't know what part of the carribean you are in. When in Antigua, Turks/Caicos and Panama I would get a mix of US and EC coins as change.

Just tried to run some various EC coinage through the v56 and they are treated as slugs 100% of the time (with several "hard" jams). Weight and size are outside the allowed specs of the National coin mech. Two possible solutions.

Have a honor box where EC is traded for US coins or find a coin mech that takes EC and can be fitted to an existing  machine. In my limited travels to that area don't recall ever seeing any coin feed machines. Maybe at the "casinos" but don't know if those could be adapted. Let us know how it goes!!!

Best Regards,
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2003, 09:59:49 pm »

Hello, and thank you for the response, I am on the Island of Nevis, and an honor box was an idea that we came up with as well, and I think might be installed if no other alternative is found.  

I got a little confused at this line:
"Just tried to run some various EC coinage through the v56 and they are treated as slugs 100% of the time (with several "hard" jams). Weight and size are outside the allowed specs of the National coin mech. "

What is a v56?  Is it a type of machine or coin system?  I have yet to purchase a machine because i am looking for a good deal on one, any ideas as to where to start if i were to purchase one, maybe a website.  I would be very interested in your opinions, thank you.
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Soda Jerks
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« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2003, 11:04:30 pm »

What a great spot you live at!! Antigua was my favorite of what I have seen. Nevis looks outstanding.

Sorry for the confusion regarding v56. That is short for a Vendo model 56 Round Top. Old machine made at the end of the 1950's. It is the only machine I have so tried EC coins in it. It uses a National coin rejector mech.

Where and what kind of machine to get may take some time. Suggest checking the photo album that is available at this web site and deciding what type is best for your needs. You could buy on Ebay but shipping will be an issue.

Have you tried talking to the local coca-cola/pepsi people? They might know where a machine is that could be put to use. Let me know if you have any questions!

Best regards,
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2003, 01:40:22 pm »

Well, unfortunately, there is no coke or pepsi distributor here.  The closest we have is a warehouse called Drink Depot.  They said that they currently have no machines for sale or rent.  Also there is TDC (an antigua based company) which also has no machines available.  We have a administrative office in Gardner, Massetuesses (sp?) so i would have anything shipped there first, so shipping wouldn't be much of a problem.  I will look at the selection here on the site, thanks for the help
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