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Author Topic: Stained Glass Coke Advertising  (Read 20767 times)
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Soda Jerks
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« Reply #30 on: December 02, 2006, 10:22:38 am »


WEEE I'm glad it's REAL  '<img'> . I could not have waited two day to clean it . I would have been up all night !! This is one of those time's Were I'm Happy to be WRONG !
I have seen abought 3-4 reproduction one's in the last 5 years .I even heard a bought a guy in Florida that made 2 copys .

Again I'm Realy Realy Realy Happy for you ! This has to be like finding a Vendo Decapper in an old Factory under a tarp . ( Which a guy name Jake did 15 years back I new )


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Soda Jerks
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« Reply #31 on: December 02, 2006, 11:38:27 am »

Hello "Tom from Jersey" nice to see you post. I have seen your Ebay ID around for
a long while. You bid on some nice things. Hope you stick around here.

Soda Jerks
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« Reply #32 on: December 02, 2006, 11:44:47 am »

The advice on contacting Gary Metz or Alan Petretti is the best advice so far.. they might even be able to give you some tips on cleaning or suggest that you leave it and sell as is and have the new owner clean it.   Don't rush to put it on ebay... this isn't just another run of the mill Coke Sign that pops up every other month , this appears to be a a crown jewel of people like me who collect the advertising peices.  Great Find! Good luck on the progress... Call Alan or Gary! Let us know what happens

Soda Machine Enthusiast since 1996!
Soda Jerks
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« Reply #33 on: December 02, 2006, 12:51:55 pm »

I'd go Gary Metz... He brings the crowd (Big time collectors... Big Money)
I  believe Alan Petretti auction are phone auctions.... And have heard
he can be hard to deal with auction wise.
Gary has a great following.. A friend who collects had a Coke calendar
top he got at auction for around $200... it brought over $1500.00 at Gary's auction and it didn't even have the complete calendar....
Gary's has my vote. It is THE auction house for soda stuff!



Embossed Quikold Standard
Soda Jerks
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« Reply #34 on: December 02, 2006, 08:50:57 pm »

The more I think of it Halehouse is right on the money!...
I have a few Metz auction fliers I was looking
through.... rare, unbelievable stuff he has had go through..
And actually a few Coca-Cola price guides use his auction for setting prices.
Ands there's nothing like a sit auction.... buyers who know each other
bidding against each other... It would work out the best for you I think....
I would love to attend one of his auctions.
Take pictures now, get it cleaned and contact him.
And I (we all) want to see how this piece turn out.


Embossed Quikold Standard
Soda Jerks
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« Reply #35 on: December 02, 2006, 11:06:32 pm »

I have my Petretti auction catalogs back to about 1995.  I found two lampshades in the summer 2000 catalog (second one is a reproduction).  Of course it looks like it was the last Petretti catalog I received and I don't think I have the prices realized sheet.  The description of the original says that it is the leaf edge version stamped "Property of The CocaCola Co., to be returned on demand". Rust on band & V shaped crack in one white top panel.  Crack in one green panel.  Shade is nice all hardware & wire are new. The price guide has the same value for one with the chain edge or leaf edging. Presale estimate was min. $2,500-5,000 range, max. $5,000 to 10,000.  I wish I could find the price realized sheet.  I will keep looking.

The leaded glass reproduction, which does not have any type of edging along the bottom, had an estimate of $500$1000.

I have only found one of my Metz's catalogs so far.

Vendo 63 Stylestar (Restored)
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Soda Jerks
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« Reply #36 on: December 02, 2006, 11:22:48 pm »

Sorry to post this in chunks, but I figure I would post as I find things.  In the winter 1998 Nostalgia Pubs catalog (Petretti) there is a lampshade that looks in the pic to be one with the chain edging at the bottom. The description:
1920's Coca Cola leaded glass shade...original with stamped band around top...all wired up & ready to use (new fixture). The chain edge on the bottom is mostly off & a number of cracks on top panels, but this one is a beautiful center piece to any collection.  
Presale estimate was between $2500-$10,000.  
It sold for $4,235.

I have a few more catalogs to look through.     '<img'>

Vendo 63 Stylestar (Restored)
Glascock Standard
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Soda Jerks
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« Reply #37 on: December 03, 2006, 12:09:19 am »

Ha Dan sounds like you keep everything too... Did anybody here ever do
the Tucker Bay phone auctions?.....It was a couple who
would take consignments and place them all in a catalog and send catalogs out. You called in your bids.... and if the phone quit ringing for at least 10 minutes past midnight (westcoast time) who ever was the highest bidder on a certain item won it.... I would be up till 3 or 4 in the morning... won a few things.... then eBay came along...
Anway I have all their catalogs too nothing like this shade though...
Halehouse you seem to lean towards Alan?.... Isn't his auctions phone
auctions too?....
I lean towards Metz/Muddy Rivers auction though I don't have any
prices realized just a few fliers.... But have heard great things....
I hear there's a swap meet type thing the night before where dealers
bring things and set up in their room.... Then there's a preview of the show
and I hear the serious collectors show.... Would love to go to one.
Has anyone here ever been to one... Or have an opion on which
would be better ?....
Anyway you go Larry sounds like you did the right thing in keeping it
and not throwing it over the side of the dumpster!



Embossed Quikold Standard
Soda Jerks
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« Reply #38 on: December 03, 2006, 12:39:56 am »

Hey Eric,

I like the Metz auctions and would lean towards it.  I have been going to them in recent years in Roanoke, but now that they have moved to PA, I don't know.  It isn't any farther away, but my parents live about 45 minutes from where the auctions were held and we would make a weekend trip out of it. I would buy a couple of things, but some bidders were/are amazing.  I was just referring to the Petretti catalogs because those are the ones I knew where they were.  I haven't received any Petretti auctions since 2000 and wasn't even sure he was still doing them (is he)?  I liked going to the Metz auctions. Much more personable people.  The last few were held in an indoor mall in an unused retail space.  I don't know what they will be like now that they are in with Murphy.  
Another one that seems good, and the people who run it are nice and make personal contact, is Daniel Auction Company in GA.

Vendo 63 Stylestar (Restored)
Glascock Standard
Cornelius 50 Slider (Restored)
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