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Topic: Battle brewing!! (Read 11366 times)
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Soda Jerks
Posts: 3162
Battle brewing!!
Reply #20 on:
February 10, 2006, 03:40:44 am »
Me too Me too.
Battle brewing!!
Reply #21 on:
February 10, 2006, 08:44:19 am »
Hi Eric, You can get that hand around the cup from Steve Ebner at Funtronics Inc. 301-371-5246 Thanks Curtis Kauffman Memory Lane Restorations.
Battle brewing!!
Reply #22 on:
February 10, 2006, 10:11:49 am »
Hey Curtis - I placed the photos you sent to me on My Website for Free for you to help you out. I have linked on my Website , Be-bop joes, Parts supply , etc ,etc. I too was told to remove your photos from my Webpage! I replied - that I at no time wanted to post any photos on my Website that I did not have permission to post. I informed them that I believed these were your photos by law, taken with your camera and contain your Ideas. If anyone can prove otherwise I will be more than happy to remove them.
I have seen my own photos taken from my internet space and posted on other websites without my permission , some with false descriptions before and after. .
My Webpage launched August 07 2004 and the link was placed on at that time. The background on all the images on my website are colored as you know. This takes forever to do, takes a lot of time on my part but looks good.
The 9 years before I had a Website, I stored all my Photos on Connect Inc. This space was used to accomidate my Ebay photos as well as to send family photos back and forth. The photos were given a number 1 through 1000 and up. These photos were posted without the background colored out. Changing the number at the end of the address would change the photo.
See the following link
Change just the number and the photo will change.
When I do a machine for a Customer, the customer is more than welcome to take photos of their machine and place these photos on the internet. I do not mind turning over extra copies of photos I take when I am asked. Sometimes customers like these photos to go with their restored coolers.
Before December 7th 2003 - I repainted two chest coolers for a customer. I did not do the inside of the coolers. It was a cheaper restoration on a limited budget to be traded out for unrestored machines, no money exchanged. A dented liner was left inside one cooler at the customers request.
In Febuary of 2004 I noticed that around 10 photos had been removed from this Connect space and placed on the world wide web with an interesting description.
Typing in Victor Chest Cooler in MSN search will pull up these photos .
and the following search:
Page 1 of 25,461 results containing victor chest cooler (0.29 seconds)
Results - Largest selection of coke and coca cola machines. Coke ...
This is the ULTIMATE soda chest. The Victor cooler was used in many old general stores and ice cream parlors in the 1950's. These machines hold a large amount of bottles. Anywhere ...
Cached page - Largest selection of coke and coca cola machines ...
... Machines and Coke Cola Soda Chest. Restoring Original Coke ... RESTORED VICTOR COOLERS Our Victor Coolers are restored to ... pricing information on our Victor Cooler Bars send us an email or ...
Entering this webpage and clicking on Chest / then Westinghouse Master / will display 6 photos at the bottom which were taken with out my permission from my connect/ ebay space in Febuary of 2004. These photos were taken with my camera. They are not the best in the world. The stainless liner is covered in dents. I did not use these liner photos on my website since they did not reflect our Cherry restoration. All photos were removed in March of 2004 from my Ebay/connect Space to prevent other photos from being taken.
Clicking on Cavalier 6 case master will display several photos.
The Photo of the Ice cold Cap in the upper corner is from a Mr Turner's box
This box is pictured in my website setting next to an all white cavalier 96. It was a local restoration that our company did.
Click on GE Pepsi
Notice the bottom 6 photos - the 1st three are of a copper liner. One of Three copper tubs our company did at the same time - The 7up box in the moving graphics of our Webpage has a unclearcoated copper liner in it. This liner is shown in this photo on the green cart. This 7up box was done by us and sold to our customer. Notice the difference in the color of the liner in the pepsi box and the liner on the Cart. We did 3 of these liners. The Liner in the Pepsi machine was clear coated by us which made it darker. The other liner which we did 1st was left alone and later installed in the 7up Box. All 6 of these photos were taken by us in our shop. My company restored this Pepsi machine and these photos are of our company's fabricated Refrigeration tub liners. No chest cooler of any customer is shown in the three middle photos. All 6 photos were taken in our shop with an old AGFA digital camera. We currently have the uncropped originals and their mates.
Notice the description of the photos on this site.
If someone produces a reproduction part for a Soda machine, does this mean that the person that brokers the sell of the Soda machine with the reproduction part installed on it, can claim any photos they find of the part or similar parts, post them on the web and claim to be the parts manufacturer.
Battle brewing!!
Reply #23 on:
February 11, 2006, 10:57:30 am »
Thanks for your support! I went to your links and it sure looks like there is a Thief out there. I think they need to look deep into there own websites at the photos they have stolen. Just to prove they have taken my logo and are using it for there Memorylaneblvd site, go to and click on the about us page, look at the Logo at the bottom. It says (Memorylane Restorations) Not! Memorylane Blvd They took my old business card and scanned it. They never took out the Restoration and they want to try and point fingers. Attached you will see there image and a copy of my Logo. Thanks Curtis Memory Lane Restorations.
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