« Reply #50 on: January 05, 2006, 11:17:10 pm » |
To Save Money for the show - We could advertise the show through our websites and so that it would not cost a great deal of money. Insurance, I dont know - I guess the town just handles that when we have our festival. People walk down town everyday of the week here in Granite and I think if they fall down, it is there own problem - I have never heard of anyone going after the town to be compensated . One time about a year ago, there was a leaf and tree chopper parked on the side of the road picking up limbs, hooked to a town truck with yellow flashing lights. The Speed limit was 20 miles per hour. A red small 2 door car came flying by, hit the fender of the wood chipper and it flipped the car all the way over on it's top. The Wood Chipper was setting still at the time. The lady tried to blame the town for this, however when the police arrived - they gave her the ticket and told her she did not have a case. That wood chipper parks there every thursday and has the right-of-way. The two men that run the wood chipper are named Possom and Johnnie. Possom almost got flattened between her car and the fender of the wood chipper.
« Reply #51 on: January 06, 2006, 12:20:51 am » |
I been to your place and the town reminds me of the movie ( It's a wonderful life ) Untill I get to your warehouse and then it"s like I entered another world. I have never seen so many unrestored near perfect original machines in my life. That was the time Steve Ebner from Funtronics and I came down and spent the night. What a great time we had, untill the trip home. We were hauling 7000 pounds of machines and Soda in my trailer that was rated for 4500 pounds, Truck was also loaded. 7 blown trailer tires later and 3 hours stranded along the road in the middle of the night miles from no where, I could go on but don't want to put you to sleep. Steve and I made it home a day later than expected. We now look back and laugh! I'm sure many of you had herd the story from Steve. Next time any of you talk to Steve from Funtronics, tell him Curtis from memory Lane Restorations is thinking of making a Soda run to Antique Vending and would like him to join me again.
« Reply #52 on: January 06, 2006, 01:00:36 am » |
I'm sure you all have seen this logo before. I want everyone to know this logo belongs to Memory Lane Restorations. I have used this Logo for more than 10yrs. You will be seeing it on my new website very soon. Look for hunderds of CQQL photos of everything!!
« Reply #53 on: January 06, 2006, 01:17:44 am » |
I just had to post a few photos of the work my good friend Gene of Dads Furniture Does. He's the best!!! Let him know what you think of his Custom Bars.
« Reply #54 on: January 06, 2006, 01:19:40 am » |
« Reply #55 on: January 06, 2006, 01:21:34 am » |
« Reply #56 on: January 06, 2006, 01:29:03 am » |
Photo Number (4) This is the last photo. He builds all his Custom Bars from scratch, using only the best materials. Gene is one of the nicest persons you could ever have the pleasure to meet. Please drop him an E-mail to let him know what you think of his Bars. This is only one of hundreds he has built. Tell him Curtis said hi!
« Reply #57 on: January 06, 2006, 06:43:09 am » |
Curtis -
Will you still be offering reproduction and used parts for Stoner Candy Machines?
« Reply #58 on: January 06, 2006, 07:59:55 am » |
Hi Brian, I just ordered the art deco mirrors for the bottom cabnet. They have to be cut on a CNC machine. New knobs are being machined now and will be ready next week. I have just re ordered the Theatre lights, + alot more items will be coming very soon. So the answer to your question would be yes. Instructions, Glass, mirrors, everything. Thanks
« Reply #59 on: January 06, 2006, 07:02:28 pm » |
Curtis: I thought I would post a picture of the Stoner Theatre you helped me restore. It is my nicest piece. Thanks for all your help.
Also, I wanted to thank Allen from Antique Vending. He has also been awesome in being there for all my projects. Good luck to both of you.
Brian C
Vendo 39 Original Cavalier C-51 Restored Cavalier C-96 Restored (almost done) GE Double Chiller Restored Cavalier C-33 7 Up Restored Vendo 27b Pepsi Vendo 81b Westinghouse wd-5 / WE-6 3 Stoner Candy/Theatre/Junior/180 Bastian Blessing Bobtail soda fountain Jacobs 56 Pepsi