Ginger Prince
« on: December 27, 2005, 01:56:31 pm » |
Hello Everyone. Hope you have all enjoyed the holiday so far. Just a quick update to my short? post last week on my V-81 purchase.
I spent sometime last week trawling thru the board history to assist the prince on the hopeful power up of my machine, then managed to leave all my homework behind@!@! ....Never Mind.
At least I did not manage to leave behind recently acquired 1,500 Watt US to UK stepdown transformer!
The V-81 US power cord was in a terrible state but you will note further down the post that I manage to leave Health and Safety issues somewhere further down my priority list to that of adventure,intrepidation and the unknown. [Imagine Magellan et al postponing their adventures pending arrival of a new replacement V-81 power cord!].
US power cord into transformer....transformer into wall, retire behind lounge chair, broom handle to wall socket switch down and ............................................................................., well no fireworks/explosions,[shame always enjoy fireworks!], and hey presto to Gingers surprise the motor started whirring and the pipes started getting cold. Opened the door & bashed [sorry, caressed the light switch] & the bottle door light came on too!!!!! I set the fridge thing to 4 and it cooled down to 1 degree, the same as my kitchen fridge. Cold Coke! Neat! [...Happy Xmas!]. Now I had previously removed the already perished cabinet gasket off those pesky black breaker? plastic things so I was surprised it got that cool. First Question everyone, is that motor supposed to switch off when it reaches its target temp. As it didn't I am guessing that either somethings up, [thermostat?] or because the door gaskets missing, it's havin to stay on to keep the temp down?
Now as I have survived the power up, it's time for a drink and take some pix of the scene, especially of that bottle light glow in the corner of the room and that neat green medallion in the center of the door. Now back to that drink, cold coke?...... well maybe but gotta get it outta of those snappy ironwork creatures living in the dark depths of the bottle stack,mmmmmmmmmmmmm. Just press the darn crank Ginger and get on with it, you all cry I did and guess what? yep it didn't work. Put a dime in first you thick Ginger@#@!% ........ OK,OK cool it you lot!!!!!!!! .... So I put a dime in and guess what?......... Yeah, the big bad red machine spat it out, So I opened the door and turned the crank at the bottom of the stack & yeah pulled out my first cool coke and opened it, sure tastes great!
Now back to that pesky coin mech, bad bad Mr coin mech spoiling my day. [Now remember all those posts? yeah, just take off the coin mech and dump it in a boiling soapy water bath for a couple of hours, EEEEAAAAAAAASSSSYYYYYYY? mm........................................................................... EEEEEEAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSYYYYYYY..................NOT!
How do you get that thing off. It's like a late WW11 bomb or an 18th Century Swiss Timepiece or some combination of both mmm, I would need a set of 512MB memory cards to record all the vital stages
So took some time off to play with one of my old pinballs....... not a good idea as I managed to blow it up, still now more time to play with nasty Mr coin mech................................
Decided not to unscrew anymore of those little screws,[ where are the big ones that nail it to the door, aaararrggghhhhhhh!!!]
Then peace and goodwill and x4 bottles of Bud later on,........ no better off.
In the end, found a moving cog which if moved to the left allowed the crank to ratchet down correctly, which in turn opened the bottle gate,mmmmmmmmmmmmmm Nice Mr Coin Mech!!!!. Now Question Number 2. As I could not figure out the coin mech or get it off the door. I decided too tie back afore mentioned cog with a rubber band to a screw holding the base plate bit to the side of the crank handle. This does the job, [shortterm], but will this harm the actuating mechanism and two, there must be another way? Finally, Question 3, The coin mech, do I have to unscrew all those tiny screws to give it the soapy water beating, [sorry boiling], of its 40 year life. I am petrified that it will all fall to pieces and I will have a 1,000 piece Vendo Coin Mech Jigsaw, [Wonder if Funtronics or Home Arcade stock that line@?!"@?]. Apologies to all but have left my camera at my apartment so will post these later in the week. You know the machine is beaten up but I kinda now like it like that, the prince may keep it all bashed up and not give it that back to new look. Finally, thx to those who responded to chapter one especially to LOMANEC, who advised as to the coin mech heating element wires, they have been disconnected,
Health and Happiness to all for 2006