« on: December 21, 2005, 11:00:02 pm » |
Will the coin mech. for a vendo 81 work on the vmc 81 (generic) machine? I have a vmc 81, but it needs the coin mech. I see vendo 81 coin mech's on ebay, but I'm scared to bid. I'm afraid it might not work. If anyone out there can help, I would appricate it.
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2005, 07:51:16 am » |
Yes, the coin mech is the same for both the Embossed (brand name) V81 & the "generic" V81, provided that both have the same size/type coindoor... IE:"largedoor" vs "smalldoor"
Spoon-feeding Newbies since 2001...  Yeah..220,221 whatever it takes. Remember, all it needs is a shot of Freon! The Vendo V-83 is the '59 Edsel of the coke machine world. ;p Spray painting does NOT restore a compressor 11 is louder than 10... "Hope" is good, but it's not an action plan.
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2005, 07:29:18 pm » |
you need a large door machine mech, they arent cheap and havent seen a nice one by itself on ebay in a long time. Good Luck!
Collector of nice original paint machines
Vendo 81 B, C, D VMC 81 Pepsi, 7up, RC, Generic 6CV Coke, RC, Pepsi VMC 110 RC Vendo 39 Jacobs 26 Mills 47 Selectivend 64 7up NOS Plus 30-50 parts and project machines
« Reply #3 on: December 23, 2005, 02:16:41 am » |
Hi Everyone
that V-81 coin mech on ebay is that the same as the one I have in my V-39??
« Reply #4 on: December 23, 2005, 05:49:18 am » |
Dave the coin mech that looks like yours is a small door coin mech. They are much more common and inexpensive. I attached a pic of a large coin door mech that I bought a few weeks ago. They are pretty rare and take big money. Especially in this shape and if they give change like this one. I bought this one on the internet without ever seeing a pic. I wanted to try to restore it. WHen I got it I found out that it looks like it is NOS. WHat a deal.
« Reply #5 on: December 23, 2005, 06:30:14 am » |
The large door coin mechs that give change in that condition easily bring $500.00 I just sold the cleanest ive ever seen with that vendo 56 and it looked NOS.
Collector of nice original paint machines
Vendo 81 B, C, D VMC 81 Pepsi, 7up, RC, Generic 6CV Coke, RC, Pepsi VMC 110 RC Vendo 39 Jacobs 26 Mills 47 Selectivend 64 7up NOS Plus 30-50 parts and project machines
« Reply #6 on: December 23, 2005, 11:33:48 am » |
Josh, nice unit. When restoring a coin mech. you always need another complete unit to study while re-assembling. You found it!
Skeleton Man
« Reply #7 on: December 23, 2005, 02:45:37 pm » |
Out of interest, how do those mechanical mechs work ?
« Reply #8 on: December 23, 2005, 10:12:52 pm » |
Skeleton Man, I'll take a poke at the how it works question and let me know if want more detail. Not easy to explain without having one in front of you but here goes. Anybody want to add please do.
The slug rejector is similiar to the newer machines. It determines if coins are valid (5/10/25 cent) and sends them to the main mech according to demonation.
This is where it gets fun. The price is set by a series of "fingers". Let's use 10 cents for an example.
You deposit: 2 nickles => Press down on the handle and product will vend. If change tube is low the nickles will go there. The brass tube in the lower left of Josh's photo. If full they go to the coin box.
1 Dime => Press handle dime goes straight to coin box.
1 quarter => Rejected unless 3 nickles are present in the change tube. If accepted goes to the coin box and the change tube drops 3 nickles to change slot.
These are one of the most interesting mechinical devices I've ever played with. They are capable of 6/7/11 cent operation. There is a correct change flag that is still giving me troubles.
When you press down the handle it is using a "ratchet" type advance to open the vending stack. Fun stuff. Hope this helps. Creighton
Skeleton Man
« Reply #9 on: December 24, 2005, 07:20:58 pm » |
Sounds like quite a neat bit of machinery.. thanks for the info.. can you remove the crank handle and use an electric mech somehow ? (I thot I saw someone mention a hack like that recently)