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Author Topic: Escrow and power-off  (Read 5726 times)
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« on: October 31, 2005, 11:38:49 am »

My understanding of the escrow-until-select option on most coin mechs is that the coin is held in the mech until a selection is made, and any time prior to that, the coin return lever will reject the coin..

What I want to know is, will this work with no power applied ? (ie. someone puts a coin in while the power is off, will it go to the coin return or the money box ?)

Also, if my coin mech supports escrow, is there anything that needs to be supported by the machine ? (what is pin 8 on the jones socket for ?)

While I'm still on the topic of coin mechs... if I want to program my mech to accept a new coin (in this case Canadian Tooney), is it best to use a roll of new coins from the bank, or a variety of coins that have been in circulation and would have tarnish, scuffs, marks, etc ?

One last thing (off-topic for coin mech area) is whether it's okay to replace an ACE II lock with a cheap soda machine lock from ebay ?  I had to drill the original and I don't wanna spend $25 just on a lock if a $5 one will work..

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« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2005, 10:01:45 am »

You've forgotten to mention which coinmech/model you are talking about. so as for pin #8, who can say?

Most Escrow capable coinmechs will (should )reject all inserted coins back to the coin-return cup if the machine is powered down, if you mean will the machine return the "Escrowed" amount if the machine is powered "off" before the selection is made , or the coin-return lever is pushed. It probably won't return the coins,(as it has already deposited them into the coin-tubes and/or the cash box) but it may (depending on which manufacture/model you have) remember the the escrow-credit upon power-up, but most modern coinmechs will do a POST (power on self test) that may reset the memory of any prior deposits.

to "train" (tune) the coinmech to accept Canadian dollar coins (loonie & toonies) (such as a MARS 6200 series mech') the appropriate switch must be selected "on" &  then  there are a set of pins that are shorted together to "retrain" the mech' by dropping, in order,a certain number the coins to be accepted, I usually include a "new" coin without much wear, along with "used" circulated coins, so the mech' will have an "average" image of a coins typical metal content & diameter that it will remember to accept for that denominational value coin.

al of the tuning-procedures are covered in the installation/maintenance manual of the coinmech(s) in question, most manufactures have online coppies available at their websites.

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« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2005, 10:29:31 am »

Thanks johnieG.. It's a coinco 9300 series.. looks like this:

Pin 8 is escrow, and on my machine it's not connected to anything.. hence I'm curious about its function..

Currently I need to do some electrical work to my cornelius, as not even the free play switch works. What's meant to happen is that the credit relay clicks in, followed immediately by the time delay relay... but the time delay relay never kicks in.. (you hear the click from the credit relay only)

The time delay relay consists of:

1x DPDT 8 pin relay
1x 560ohm resistor (outside shell is burnt, but it measures 565ohms)
1x 50uF electrolytic cap (with a hole blown in the side)
1x Diode

You wouldn't expect it to work with those damaged components, but it did previously.. (accidently shorted something to the coin door and it sparked, and since then no dice..)

I'm gonna replace the time delay setup if I can.. (cap and resistor seem hard to find, relay looks to cost between $15 and $20!)

(See my original thread "Replacing Fried Electronics")

btw, are you the guy that repairs coin mechs ? I have a broken S759800A that came with my machine, and if someone has a use for it, I'll probably let it go for whatever the cost of postage is..

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« Reply #3 on: November 01, 2005, 11:15:00 pm »

there was a thread I posted some time ago in regards to time delay relays, do a search on that, ("time delay") the fact that the resistor is burnt means that you can't go by the OHM's value you are reading, the only sure way to see what value it was is by the original color code and/or printing that was on the body(burnt) of the resistor itself, perhaps if you look on the underside (nearest to the circut board) it may have been spared & could still be readable, the parts are easily obtained from any radio shack, a 50 ufd (microfarad) capacitor is a fairly common value, (unless it's some bizaro voltage rating) as for the diode, it's probably just a 1/2 to 1 amp rectifier rated for double the line voltage on the input line of the time delay setup (assuming it's 120 volts A.C. then at least 240 volts) "there are always possibilities...Spock"

Insofar as the Escrow capabable coinmech, it will work in your single price vending machine just fine, as pin #8 doen't have any function in early machines like a 60's Vendo V-90 with a vending gate with a single soleniod release mechanism.


Spoon-feeding Newbies since 2001...Wink
Yeah..220,221 whatever it takes.
Remember, all it needs is a shot of Freon!
The Vendo V-83 is the '59 Edsel of the coke machine world. ;p
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« Reply #4 on: November 02, 2005, 12:08:15 am »

Thanks johnie.. I found a thread about a Rock-ola machine that you posted in regarding a time delay.. not sure if that's what you meant..

I found a wiring diagram for the time delay relay, but I'm not sure which way up the relay is on my schematic.. (can't tell if the input or output pins are at the top.. have to check in the morning)
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« Reply #5 on: November 02, 2005, 04:10:31 pm »

Well today I went and checked it out, and sure enough, the relay is screwed.. the input coil has gone open circuit.. I have a new one coming from ebay tho, so I guess I just have to wait til it arrives..

The time delay relay looks like this:

In the scheme of things, this shows where it fits in:

Schematic Part 1
Schematic Part 2

It looks like the time delay is to hold credit for a certain amount of time.. but I could be wrong.. (only an educated guess)

I can get neither the capacitor nor resistor from Radio Shack in this town.. the store is just a hole in the wall that really has nothing at all.. they supposedly repair TV's, yet they can't find me a simple capacitor !! (you'd think they'd have dozens of the things)

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« Reply #6 on: November 02, 2005, 06:27:35 pm »

I found a capacitor on ebay, but it's only 150V.. the original was 250V.. there will only be 120V across the relay and less than 1 amp..  so do I really need the cap to be rated at twice the operating voltage ?

50uf Cap
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