« on: August 27, 2005, 03:34:18 pm » |
Thoughts and prayers for all those in the area of this storm. Creighton
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2005, 04:18:35 pm » |
Pray we dont get any of the bad stuff. As long as it stay east of the MS river our rice and soybean crops will be ok.
Soy beans do ok, but it's awflu hard for the combines to get to & cut the rice when it's laying flat on the ground from the high winds.
Not to mention hubby will be hard to live with from the extra work.
Cav. CD 22 Choice Vend 168 - Use daily.
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2005, 05:00:07 pm » |
I had enough last year! This storm tracked south of us so we didn't experience much in the way of bad conditions, loss of power, phones etc, etc...
My six cents, Jim 
Kevin C
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2005, 10:14:42 am » |
All of us that live on or near the coast understand what each of you is going through.
Our thoughts will be with everyone in the storms path.
Kevin (Charleston SC)
Vendo 63-C On the job Vendo 56 Going back together Vendo 56-C Waiting for rehab! Vendo 126 Rough outside but loaded & operational Vendo 110 Under repair Ideal 55 - **For Sale make offer Glasco 55 - Waiting Royal 650 On the job Lance Snack Machine - On the job
« Reply #4 on: August 31, 2005, 07:46:20 am » |
My cousin lost everything to Katrina. She and her family left Biloxi the day before it hit and could only take a couple suitcases with them.
They are lucky to be a young couple, so starting over will be easier for them.
The emotional attachment to their belongings will be hard to get over, their small childern are having a tough time being away from their home, toys, beds and friends.
Cav. CD 22 Choice Vend 168 - Use daily.
« Reply #5 on: August 31, 2005, 10:05:10 am » |
Wow what a mess Katrina left for the people of the area. My thoughts and prayers go out to the people devistated by the storm. After watching the news it totally blows me away by the scum bags looting the area. I know how the people of our small town would handle this situation!!!
TERRY@SODAWORKS RESTORATIONS Lots of Round Top machines Buy-Sell-Trade-Restorations
« Reply #6 on: August 31, 2005, 10:24:29 am » |
Yes, from what I can see on the news, the looting is bad, like what in the world are they going to do with tv's and appliances? I can understand bottles of water, canned food and baby formula to survive but appliances? '>
My daughters friend is stranded in hattiesburg ms at the frat house at Univ. Southern ms.
He cant leave because there is only 3 roads usable for emergency vehicles (maybe tomorrow), no gas and he says if you have money you cant spend it on gas there is none and water is like gold.
His cell phone has a charger in his car so he is keeping it going. His bill will be in the hundreds since Cellular south is the only cell coverage that is working. he has let people call home with it.
Cav. CD 22 Choice Vend 168 - Use daily.
« Reply #7 on: August 31, 2005, 11:09:44 am » |
Yep...The worst part about the looting is of course the loss of property, but, local law enforcement is pretty helpless to really do anything to discourage it except by being there projecting "officer presence".
Other contributing factors: no place to lock-up looters, vehicles have no gas to transport....Pretty much sucks for the police.
My prayers go to all those affected by Katrina.
« Reply #8 on: August 31, 2005, 11:25:20 am » |
I've been watching the jackson ms news all morning. There has already been a killing over a bag of ice in hattiesburg, my daughter is freaking out because her friend cant get out until later today.
We still have family in Jones county that hasnt contacted anyone. I'm going to try again later to make calls.
We may see gas rationing here in the next few days already talks of increasing price to 3.10 gallon tomorrow. Hotels are full here grocery store full. Hope it get better soon people are so home sick.
Please pass along prayers to you own church family for those outside New orleans that hasnt gotten help yet. Now thunderstorms are moving in.
Cav. CD 22 Choice Vend 168 - Use daily.
« Reply #9 on: August 31, 2005, 01:52:00 pm » |
The Katrina Incident is the major news in the UK. The sights that are being transmitted are terrible. They interviewed a man who told the camera crew that he had hold of his wife's hand all night in the water. Se looked at him and said "Look after the kids" then broke his grip and was carried away. How do you deal with that???
As for the looting. What the #### can you do with a TV in a city with no electricity. As they say "One man's loss is another's gain."
Did you see the pictures of the jail?? No point locking people up if you have no facilities to do so.
Knowing how quick you guys can turn an event like this around. I'm sure that the South will be up on its feet in next to no time. Possesions can always be replaced. Life on the other hand is precious.
New Oreleans is the most fabulous place in the world I can't believe that it will just be left to rot.
Dave (From across a not so calm sea)