« on: August 21, 2005, 11:25:02 am » |
I ended up picking this up last weekend in Ozark, MO I probably spent to much for it. The bottom is rock solid, It has a couple dents but nothing major and they can be worked out. It doesnt have a tray in the inside is it supposed to?? all in all I think its cool my first coke cooler. Any ideas on Value?

Collector of nice original paint machines
Vendo 81 B, C, D VMC 81 Pepsi, 7up, RC, Generic 6CV Coke, RC, Pepsi VMC 110 RC Vendo 39 Jacobs 26 Mills 47 Selectivend 64 7up NOS Plus 30-50 parts and project machines
« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2005, 11:43:31 am » |
Nice Temprite Jr.! does it have a galvanized liner, or the stainless-steel liner?
Not all coolers came with sandwich trays, some were optional, I noticed that usually it's the smaller picnic coolers that don't have them, like your jr. while others like the "airline" never even had a tray to begin with.
if you look at the upper edges of the liner, you may see the scratch marks from a sandwich tray, (if it ever had one) were it would have slid into place at the top of the cooler.. :'>
Spoon-feeding Newbies since 2001...  Yeah..220,221 whatever it takes. Remember, all it needs is a shot of Freon! The Vendo V-83 is the '59 Edsel of the coke machine world. ;p Spray painting does NOT restore a compressor 11 is louder than 10... "Hope" is good, but it's not an action plan.
« Reply #2 on: August 21, 2005, 12:03:49 pm » |
No marks on the inside from a tray. The inside liner appears to be made from stainless steel. I figure i'll restore it while im doing a machine sometime. will look good next to my 81D
Collector of nice original paint machines
Vendo 81 B, C, D VMC 81 Pepsi, 7up, RC, Generic 6CV Coke, RC, Pepsi VMC 110 RC Vendo 39 Jacobs 26 Mills 47 Selectivend 64 7up NOS Plus 30-50 parts and project machines
« Reply #3 on: August 21, 2005, 02:30:18 pm » |
Nice score Joey!! Walters page 18 has it as tray optional. Average condition $125.00. Made from the 40-50's. Creighton
« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2005, 12:20:32 pm » |
That's it!!!! I'm going to go to Ozark, MO More often! Can't believe Randy or Ross didn't pick it up! That book price is a wish price now.... There's one here in Eureka, MO for $375... Waiting for a Booth Sale! I have one but I got it in trade for a Grapette cardboard! (I only had $25 in the cardboard) But that was 8 years ago too.
This model... I'm 99.9% sure didn't have a tray... Just enough room for six bottle and some ice....Great score! What was your price?......
WANTED: Embossed Quikold Standard
« Reply #5 on: August 22, 2005, 01:59:35 pm » |
I paid $140 for it
Collector of nice original paint machines
Vendo 81 B, C, D VMC 81 Pepsi, 7up, RC, Generic 6CV Coke, RC, Pepsi VMC 110 RC Vendo 39 Jacobs 26 Mills 47 Selectivend 64 7up NOS Plus 30-50 parts and project machines
« Reply #6 on: August 22, 2005, 02:07:33 pm » |
Ross is the guy that has the booth with a few coke machines and coolers etc to the right of the front door of when you walk in? I cant remember the name of the store but it has a few signs on the front and one side. If thats Ross's booth I bought this cooler from that same store. I also believe Randy has a booth in there as well with a big banner for advertising.
Collector of nice original paint machines
Vendo 81 B, C, D VMC 81 Pepsi, 7up, RC, Generic 6CV Coke, RC, Pepsi VMC 110 RC Vendo 39 Jacobs 26 Mills 47 Selectivend 64 7up NOS Plus 30-50 parts and project machines
« Reply #7 on: August 22, 2005, 02:38:21 pm » |
Yep! That's Ross' booth? you bought it from him?..... Wow I think that's a pretty good price. He usually restores before he sells... Yeah That Store and the one down on the end are the best! Ross also has a place in Mansfield on the north side of I-44 about 20 miles East of Srpingfield... A ton of stuff there and there are 2 good malls also. And you've been to Randy's place... haven't been down all summer.... Oh Yes!....there's a Antique care swap meet this Friday, Saturday and Sunday.... So Joey if you can.... you ought to hit that Friday early if you have a chance. It's in Springfield on the fair grounds.... Ross sets up so you'll want to hit it before he combs through... Old gas pumps, pop machines, Jukes and candy machines pop up there. I guess you could call Springfield info to make sure but I'm 99.99% sure it's this weekend!
WANTED: Embossed Quikold Standard
« Reply #8 on: August 22, 2005, 03:15:46 pm » |
Ross had $400 on his I picked it up in the same mall but a different vendor. more towards the back. I plan on going to Springfield this Sat. Ive sold there in the past. I wish i could go on Fri but I work 3rd shift so its not gonna happen. I also have a guy coming down from WI on Fri evening to look over some things to hopefully buy. Ive had more money going out than coming in the last couple months so I need to sell the things I bought to resell in the first place lol.
Collector of nice original paint machines
Vendo 81 B, C, D VMC 81 Pepsi, 7up, RC, Generic 6CV Coke, RC, Pepsi VMC 110 RC Vendo 39 Jacobs 26 Mills 47 Selectivend 64 7up NOS Plus 30-50 parts and project machines
« Reply #9 on: August 22, 2005, 04:06:59 pm » |
Good Score! Hey If I get the okay to go to Springfield (This weekend is my wifes B-Day sooooooo..... a swap meet may not be in the cards) But if I luck out let's try to meet up!
WANTED: Embossed Quikold Standard
« Reply #10 on: August 22, 2005, 04:16:01 pm » |
sounds good i'll email you my cell
Collector of nice original paint machines
Vendo 81 B, C, D VMC 81 Pepsi, 7up, RC, Generic 6CV Coke, RC, Pepsi VMC 110 RC Vendo 39 Jacobs 26 Mills 47 Selectivend 64 7up NOS Plus 30-50 parts and project machines