« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2005, 10:27:53 am » |
Coin mech is industry standard. I am shipping a 44 bottle stack to Brian soon. Anyone else want one? Or the whole box?
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2005, 01:04:41 pm » |
How much for the whole machine? They are expensive but I didn't relize that home arcade repops the coin mechs.
« Reply #4 on: May 06, 2005, 06:37:25 am » |
Sounds like your WC-44 sufffers a common soda pop machine malady....Something I like to call RDOP (Rapid Disassembly Of Parts). I wish you luck getting her back together.
Oh yeah, before I forget, MoonDawg mentioned in this same post that the coin mech is industry standard. I would figure that would mean that a regular old Coinco 9800 series would work fine.
One more thing, Eric, Have a FINE Navy day!...LOL 
« Reply #5 on: May 06, 2005, 07:03:54 am » |
No it is a Vendo 81D coin mech. If it is missing good luck finding one. Home arcade does repop it but it isn't 100% origional and it sells for $350.
« Reply #6 on: May 06, 2005, 07:15:27 am » |
Thanks a bunch for clearing that up. I guess Glen meant that they weren't some kind of wierd hybrid mech, just an industry standard 81 mech.
« Reply #7 on: May 06, 2005, 08:14:26 am » |
At $350, just buying the coin mech will pretty much negate any profit of restoring the machine. They're just not "loved" like the Vendo 44....kinda like comparing DiVito to Schwarzeneggar in the movie "TWINS". I'd still like to bring this one back from the dead (just can't see tossing a perfectly good shell) but it's going to have to be one of my future "labor of love" projects.
Eric "Joe Squid" Johnson
1955 Vendo 23 - awaiting restoration 1959 Westinghouse WC-44SK - awaiting parts 1967 Cavalier CS-64G - functional in house 1969 Vendo 63 - in restoration
« Reply #8 on: May 06, 2005, 09:18:51 am » |
Eric, Couldn't you put it back together and then just rig it so that it does free-play instead of coin? Then sure it's not "complete" or "restored", but it still would work beautifully and would be a lot of fun to have and use.
Sure beats it jsut sitting around as a pile of parts.
« Reply #9 on: May 06, 2005, 09:56:48 am » |
Quote (joesquid @ May 06 2005,7:14) | At $350, just buying the coin mech will pretty much negate any profit of restoring the machine. They're just not "loved" like the Vendo 44....kinda like comparing DiVito to Schwarzeneggar in the movie "TWINS". I'd still like to bring this one back from the dead (just can't see tossing a perfectly good shell) but it's going to have to be one of my future "labor of love" projects. | Eric - could it be converted into one of those custom pony kegerators?
Thanks, Bryan Cavalier USS-96: unrestored, working on the back patio CV VUB/C 8-91: a fantasy restoration? GE Cooler: in pieces, my next project