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Author Topic: CHIRP CHIRP CHIRP CHIRP  (Read 5015 times)
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Soda Jerks
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Posts: 5442

Collector of Ol Smoothie Rootbeer

« on: July 03, 2019, 08:09:50 am »

pretty quiet on the boards .. haven't logged in for a few weeks and only like one or two new posts..

I'm guilty as well, obviously and busy as heck... haven't had much time for soda machines either with finishing up the house, getting ready for a grad party, and just trying to enjoy the summer...

what else is going on?


Soda Machine Enthusiast since 1996!
Soda Jerks
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« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2019, 10:00:35 am »

I'm going to guess that everyone and their uncle who had a machine tucked away in their barn, garage, basement, put them up for sale, and I'm guessing that the true barn finds have officially dried up.
What's left are the machines that collectors have or people who are looking to restore them to make a buck.
Gone are the days of truly finding a barn machine.
Because of this, there really isn't anything to report I'm guessing.  Status quo here on my end too....
I've sold more machines the past 2 years than I've bought and kept. 
Still looking to upgrade / add to my collection.... but what I'm looking for never seems to be around me (coke 110 original 8+)

Oh well.... hopefully things turn around.


Soda Jerks
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#1 Soda Jerk!

« Reply #2 on: July 04, 2019, 06:42:34 am »

I am also in the midst of a monumental relocation effort landing us 3 hours north of our previous home of 19 years!  We're now located in the Ocala, FL area and will begin building a new home and shop building.
As for the Discussion Areas, well some of the old "Jerks" still poke in every now and then, but facebook has spread people all over the place! I don't think it's the best platform for sharing knowledge but people go with the trendy...  I have difficulties with FB in relocating things I've seen or want to review later, etc, etc...
The reality of this trend will leave SMC behind and to the wayside at some point in the not too distant future...  Unfortunate due to the amount of helpful information contained within all the years of topics and discussions!  It's been fun and I have been very fortunate to befriend and meet an enormous amount of awesome folks over the years ! ! !  We share see what the future holds and how progress affects our position in this digital world...

My six cents,


Global Moderator
Soda Jerks
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Posts: 4938

« Reply #3 on: July 05, 2019, 07:37:43 pm »

Hope all goes well with the structure builds and move! Thanks for all you have done over the years. Certainly understand if you decide to pull the plug on SMC. Views are there but comments few and far between :-(.

Agree on the Face Book trend. I joined a few of the soda feeds. When had to create a new FB account didn't bother to re-join.

58 years old and looking around the compound have many things that should move on. I don't need anything else. A few items would like to restore, most will be left "as is" for the next curator.

Friends over for the 4th, they had a 13 year old. He commented on all of the machines (only saw 1/10th). Had a grand time getting a soda out of the V-56, beer for his dad out of the Ideal 55, writing a story on a typewriter and looking at View-Master slides. Then went back to his phone :-).

Times they are a changing...

Soda Jerks
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Posts: 961

« Reply #4 on: July 05, 2019, 10:12:30 pm »

Jim I hope all goes well with your move , I have as well been jumping all over the place but this is still a great place for knowledge. I still have a few machines I haven’t even started on but do hope to get by and see your shop . I just been on here for 11 years but really enjoyed all the help along the way . Thanks for all you have done whatever your decision on the site is .
Jeff Coheley

Ideal 35 RC
v 23 deluxe
v 39
c 96
c 55 e
C 51 g
C 72
V 27
Westinghouse JR ice chest
Westinghouse standard ice chest
Westinghouse master ice chest
early model Stoner jr.
Stoner theaters
Thanks Jeff
Soda Jerks
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Posts: 1930

« Reply #5 on: July 06, 2019, 01:10:30 pm »

Being on this site I like vintage things so I still enjoy a good ol' fashion PC now and then. After an honest days work I sit at my home desk and check SMC and Craigslist daily even though most days SMC is silent. It's nice to be able to read a new post without having the "Like" button to click on as Betty from Tennessee is proudly displaying her new pair of Coca Cola leg warmers she just purchased at her local Pic and Save.

SMC is real with real collectors sharing real knowledge. We are perhaps an older group, myself included, so the vibe here is a little more, well, mature. FB has it's own identity where it's very easy to be put on blast when Jason from Texas is offended when you tell him his Vendo 23 is worth about $600, he was sure it was worth $6,000.

The market has been altered a bit on machines but still enjoy them as much as ever. They are getting much harder to find (non retail), they definitely seem to be selling for less, (eBay), but there are still plenty of $6,000-$8,000 Vendo 39's and VMC 33's to be found, go figure. 

As long as the site remains up, I'm still here.

Vendo 81A Original
Vendo 81B Original
Vendo 81D Restored
Vendo 56 Restored
VMC Pepsi 81 Restoredx2
Cavalier 72
Ideal Embossed Coke Slider
Stoner Theater Restored
Stoner Theater w/Gum Wheel Restored
Stoner Jr. Restored
Seeburg V200 Jukebox Restored
Seeburg 100C
Seeburg 100R
Seeburg 100W
Soda Jerks
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Posts: 4860

« Reply #6 on: July 06, 2019, 03:44:22 pm »

I'm here every day... Always checking to see if someone has found a rare machine or cooler.... I should post when I buy just haven't...
I am slowing down some as the stuff just isn't out there like it was... If/When I find a Standard Nichol Kola Quikold I'm done.... I think... Ha


Embossed Quikold Standard
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