One last thing when i pulled the cooling deck, the thermostat capillary tube was mounted to the evaporator sheet metal, but based on what i read here looks like it should be free floating in the air flow so that is what i did. Using a freezer thermometer, it is pulling down to 20 degrees in the first 4 hours or so, but not shutting off until i turn the thermostat all the way left until it clicks. Normal, give it time, or probably bad thermostat?
When I bought my v56 squaretop, the sensor tube was coiled up, and shoved into the back bottom left corner of the fridge next to the evaporator housing. The evaporaror was running a lot more and for a lot longer.
However multiple manuals and photos of machines (v56 and v63) I had taken or had sent to me showed the the tube was either free floating OR mounted to the evaporator, with the tip located over the evaporator airflow for BOTH options. Here is a thread all about it.,22341.0.html