« on: June 13, 2002, 12:16:00 pm » |
Please see the pic at the bottom to understand this.
Well it didn't take long for this new extremely expensive purchase (Vendo 81D) to break in the one area that I am told there is no one that fixes any more. Stev Ebner of Funtronics just told me that once upon a time, Terry Bolton of Stockbridge, GA fixed coin mechs, but has since moved on to cars - and there is no one else that he is aware of. He also said that it the only item he does not reproduce. I still tried to locate Terry but there is no listing.
My first party showcasing my new machine - and 2 hours into it, a guy walked up and said my machine wasn't working. He was right - the slug rejector is fine, but the coin mech :
1) will not accept the coins all the way into the slots - the metal frame that slides left and right no longer slides all the way to the right (see pic) and therefore the slots are not wide enough and the coins drop but become wedged. Actually the dime seems to have enough slot to drop in, but I ca feel a light spring-loaded pressure that keeps it up higher. When I press down on the dime I see one of the arms to the left move slightly - so that explains this very light spring pressure. Regardless of pressing the dime down and seeing that arm move - nothing allows the Crack to turn - unless I really push and move the arms around myself. The coins will not do it - seated properly or not.
2) even when I manually push the frame to the right (there is about 1/8" available clearance on the right where the frame could slide over more and thereby widening the slots - so there should be little or no clearance there - obviously since the nickels don't fit) - then when I push the frame to the right a tad, the nickel drops down and then I can inserts a second nickel - but the crank will still not go down!!
Even with the dime or nickels in place all the way down into the slot - I have to manually pull a couple of the levers to the left (one I must pull up on and one I must pull down on), then I am able to get the crank started downward. As I push the crank downward, the frame with the slots in it moves to the left, and the coins drop down and into the funnel as they should. Then when I release the crank, the slots move to the right but they stop short just a tad and the slots are not wide enough to accept nickels.
The dime, unlike the nickels, as I explained - needs some help to get it to go down, even if I do manually move the frame to the right.
This is a serious problem which I have worked for hours on - to no avail. IS there really no one anywhere that can change me to fix this? It is so scary to think that anyone who buys a vintage coke machine - is completely shot if the coin mech goes bad . . . and from reading here - THEY DO GO BAD !!! Any advice - I am truly bummed about this. I mean, even if I figure out why the coins are not dropping all the way down and fix that - the crank is still locked in place and requires manual intervention to get it started downward.