I am new to the site. I have been messing with pop machines for only about 3 years now. I have had some and sold some. I think I like cleaning them up the best! I feel comfortable changing wiring, fan motors, and lighting to get them going and glowing.
Don't know much about the refrigeration and it seems that you have to have a license of some kind to do any of that so if I have a machine that the cooler doesn't work I end up taking it to a guy here in town (who has passed away

). I would like to learn more about how to fix cooling systems myself someday. But with 4 little ones and a full time job, garage time is a premium.
I appreciate all the great information on the page and hope to be a contributor to those that I am able to help.
I like the square top machines the best because that was what was around when I was a kid (born in 72). We have always been a COKE family but when it comes to pop machines, I like them all.
Right now I have a Cavalier Coke, Vendorlator DP and 7up, and a Vendo Coke. They all cool and light up now although that wasn't the case when I bought them.
I am forever looking for a good deal on C List! I look forward to asking questions and getting answers as I try new things with my "hobby".
Thanks again for all your time and knowledge.