I understand there may be an issue with trademark infringement. That makes sense. But, you'd have to not read the description to think you were buying a real machine. He even says it's made out of wood.
This is the thread that gave me the notion someone might actually mistake it for the real deal.
http://soda-machines.com/discussions/index.php/topic,17987.0.html Ray posted a link to his ad a few weeks ago when it was advertised for $1500.00.
It appears he must have sold that one and is now taking orders for more at $920.00
There is no trademark infringement if he builds this one replica for himself.
But once he starts selling to the public for profit, he will find the Coca Cola police at his door.
He could certainly request permission to market these....... but the price will have to go back up to $1500.00.
Probably more like $
2500, and they'd probably make him sign a release and add a huge disclaimer to the ad.

He's just begging for trouble with Coca-Cola's IP gestapo.